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incidents never ever forgotten

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  • incidents never ever forgotten

    [align=center]Incidents never ever forgotten, at least for me. I’d like to narrate some of the incidents that I went through during my studying in SQU. I guess all of SQU students know the Language Centre in which most students take some courses during their first year. When moving to the REAL courses in College of Arts, I thought that the most wonderful days had passed and that I’ll have the most horrible courses in Arts. Well, I was wrong. As soon as I began my second year in Arts, I realized that fun had just begun. So without further ado, I’ll tell you some of the never ever forgotten incidents with our English Department’s professors.

    ^&^ one of our professors likes to treat and deal with us by certain philosophies that are above our brains’ abilities to absorb. Once, he began to tease us with such philosophies and said ‘have you ever seen your mothers cooking?!!’ the Q was so simple that we were hesitant to say ‘yes’. When we nodded, he burst ‘No. you haven’t simply because there’s nothing in the entire world called COOKING!!’ (((WEIRD))) all of us were surrounded with?!?!?!?!?!?!? except him, of course. We mockingly asked him ‘So what is it called if not COOKING??!!’ He answered in a more mocking tone and said ‘it’s just a collective of many other actions. Your mother doesn’t cook. She CUTS vegetables, PUTS them in the pot, TURNS ON the fire and STARES it all till it is ready!!!!’ He added that things in the world should not called by nonsense names because those things are made up with other smaller components.0
    Suddenly, I came up with a very mocking Q trying to show him how nonsense is HIS PHILOSPHY not the names of the things. I raised my hand and asked ‘sir, have you ever seen a building??!!!’ I was expecting him to say yes and then I scarcely say NO and that it’s made up of small rooms and then it’s not a building. It’s just ROOMS. After asking to repeat the Q, he surprisingly said ‘NO, I haven’t ever seen A building but I have seen BUILDING’ ((meaning the action not the thing)) =did you get it??= (((how smart and quick-witted. My trick turned on me ))). Some of us laughed and others were still struggling to get the point !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0
    ((Hopefully i've drawn the picture clearly enough))0
    See ya in another incident so soon.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة pollyanna; الساعة 18-07-2005, 03:08 PM.