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فرصة لتجرب قدرتك على النجاح والتقدم(تحت شعار: أنا أعمل إذاً أنا موجود)

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • فرصة لتجرب قدرتك على النجاح والتقدم(تحت شعار: أنا أعمل إذاً أنا موجود)

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
    تحت شعار: أنا أعمل إذاً أنا موجود
    يقدم شركة h4-5stars و هي شركة سعودية فرصة للطلبة الجامعات والكليات المشاركة
    في التنظيم البازر للمنتجات الشركة بادراة الطلبة وتمويل من الشركة لكل ما هو مطلوب لانجاح المشروع. للمشاركة بالمشروع يرجى قراة التفاصيل :
    H4-5STARS Company Offers
    a greater opportunity for college students to participate in real field project
    What is project about?
    The project mission is to establish bazaar for five days in Muscat of their own merchandises under college student management. Students Responsibilities to sell company (h4-5stars) products to other college students or other (female) with especial price, who can than and reselling them in bazaar.
    also offers especial price for women with especial needs.
    Project Logo
    أنا أعمل إذاً أنا موجودة
    Project Goals and Objectives
    Giving youth full responsibility to practice and manage real-time project
    Work Within cooperative Team
    Encourage students to come to with their own ideas (creativity)
    Improving communication skills through the process of dealing with variety of people
    Enhance time management skills
    Making deal with companies and finding sponsorships
    Facing Challenges and overcome the difficulties
    Self guidance and Monitor the performance of team throughout stages of project.
    To join our team, you have to be committed to following conditions:
    Willing to Success and achieve project objectives effectively
    Work and collaborate with each other
    Capability to go outside, contact people and companies
    Follow the instructions during project period
    Have good communication skills
    You should try to come up with ways to seek change that are practical and involve cooperation between groups.
    Attend meeting regularly
    What you will get from this Project?
    Full support, guidance and monitoring will be provided to you by the team leader as well as online support by h4-5stars Company.
    Gain and develop marketing skills
    Extend your knowledge and get Experience
    Monitory Award at the end of project
    All Funding supports to project will be provided by Entrepreneurs
    Think you're busy with classes, sports, extracurricular activities, partying? How about adding a business startup to the mix

    للمشاهدة الموضوع بشكل أفضل يمكنك زيارة الموقع :

    للمشاركة ارجو ترك الايميل بالخاص