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wanna be part of the change?

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • wanna be part of the change?

    [COLOR="rgb(153, 50, 204)"]Want to become part of a national growing campaign that targets to bring about positive change in Oman?

    Got the potentials of becoming a great leader within the Omani society and building yourself through a good cause?

    Do you have the interest in enhancing the culture of reading among youth in Oman?

    If you got what it takes, then here's the CHANCE for you to become one of the talented youngsters of the Omani Global-Changemakers!

    All you need to do is visit our website (www.safi7.com) to learn more about the campaign and to get the application guide and form and fill it in along with your CV, and send to our email:
    [email protected]
    Or simply send the keyword: "Application-Form" to our email!
    Alternatively, you can just download the application form following this link
    And send it back to our email along with your CV
    Don't miss your chance in becoming one of the ten new members and having a wonderful experience in bringing change to OMAN!/LEFT]
    Safi7 Team