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Business Education

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  • Business Education

    Business Administration) 3- The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program offered via different departments at the Albert Schweitzer School of Management (ASSM) at Cambridge Corporate University (CCU) is one of the most advanced business degrees and ranked on the top list of corporate programs worldwide with nine different majors. The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at Cambridge Corporate University is a three years program offering nine majors, including International Business Education,Computer science,Private Banking,Government & Economy, Pharmaceutical Industry Management, Linguistics and Culture, Media Management ( Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics MBA-PIM Pharmaceutical Education )
    Creative Thinking
    The MBA in Pharmaceutical Industry Management (MBA-PIM) program WAS developed by talented faculty and researchers of the Albert Schweitzer School of Management, the CPI Institute of Graduate Studies (CIGS) and the Institute of Healthcare Management at Cambridge Corporate University. Each module was developed by scholars, authors, and industry specialists from across the University schools, institutes, and research bodies, ensuring that ranges of perspectives are integrated into the course material. Dozens of industry experts in Pharmaceutical Education and thought leaders from the international pharmaceutical industry in Switzerland and abroad participated in preparing and developing the curriculum to create the first world-leading MBA in PIM.
    4- CCU's leading MBA Program. The MBA-PIM with the Pharmaceutical EducationIndustry Management major is the world-leading top-ranked MBA program in Pharmaceutical Industry Management. The program hosts students from leading multinational pharmaceutical organizations around the world, including the top 10 companies at all times. We believe that you will find it outstanding and informative. We strongly encourage you to contact us for additional information about this worldwide leading program in PIM.
    Master Program
