Muscat: The Ministry of Labour (MoL) on Monday celebrated the launch of its online platform (Miran). The inaugural ceremony was held under the auspices of His Excellency Dr Mahad bin Said Ba’owain, the Minister of Labour, their Excellencies the Undersecretaries, and a number of officials at the ministry.
The blended learning booster ‘Miran’ is expected to raise the level of individuals’ productivity, and fulfill the needs of the labour market. The Miran platform for blended education will provide people with training material online along with traditional education, which will contribute to alignment with international standards, objectives of Oman Vision 2040, improvement of the competencies of the fourth industrial revolution and provision of high-quality approved training programmes for its trainees and training institutions contracting with it.
Sayyid Salim Musallam al Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour for Human Resources Development stressed that the Miran platform comes as a wonderful response to our era characterised by speed, constant change and challenge in responding to the growing demands of society and ensuring that the Omani forces acquire the knowledge and skills required to perform their jobs. The platform, at the same time, will enable them to adapt with rapid changes experienced in the labour market.
The newly launched platform is a sustainable and safe learning environment with easy access to all learning sources anywhere.
It pertains to the training institutions; the platform would help them to present their classes and workshops online.