Cyberattacks aimed at gathering information and collecting money are growing as adults and children around the world spend more time online for work, education, gaming and connecting with one another during the pandemic.
One should be careful while playing online games and never share personal details with strangers. “More than 5.8 million attacks by malware and unwanted software disguised as popular PC games were detected and prevented by Kaspersky in Q3 2020 to Q2 2021’’, the Russian Internet security firm said.
“One should not share personal information online to a virtual acquaintance, especially the contact details and social media accounts’’, warns IT experts in Oman. “The information that you share will lead them to your private life which can lead to online bullying and other crimes.”
Dr Haitham al Hajri, cyber security expert, said the apps can always be modified and resent via private links or downloaded via non-official sites. “Usually, the apps have extra functions that are desirable by some users, the critical factor is those applications are modified by malicious entities aiming to steal information.”
Dr Al Hajri said one should download applications only from legitimate sources. Avoid rooting/jailbreaking the device to install unauthorised versions of the app. Never activate links forwarded through social media and email. Parents should install apps that will allow them to control and protect the child’s device from unauthorised installation of apps, Dr Al Hajri said.
Tariq al Barwani, IT expert, said, “When you receive messages from your friends or relatives asking for money because of some unforeseen issues, the best way to tackle the issue is to call them directly and check with them and ask if they really need money.
“This is because SMS messages or WhatsApp messages can be deceiving and never ever share information to strangers and all banks say they never ask you for vital information online.”