An aircraft, an airport and uncovered knees!

Well, I have written this blog in Arabic, but then I thought of rewriting it in English. I haven’t written in English for so long, maybe decades! I know that English readers are not many though I feel it is easer to express certain things in English especially the subject I’m going to write about. Before that, I would like to express my censer thanks to Microsoft world for processing my bad writing. Anyways, I will start my topic with a joke.

“ During a military parade, the minister of Defence, wearing on her naked chest a golden necklace with a modern fighter aircraft in the middle, was inspecting the front line of guards. As she walked by, she noticed that one of the guards was madly gazing at her. She closed up and asked him pointing at the aircraft.
- You like the aircraft; it is beautiful, isn’t it?
- Sure, Mum. But, the hosting airport is far much beautiful than the aircraft!


Not funny hah?

Why woman’s mind like this and man’s mind is is not always like (that)?

Why do women care about details, whereas men care about nothing but board lines?

Again, this is not the core of my topic. I’m talking here about partially covered bodies with nude chest, exposed hairs, and shaved legs.
Well, the topic is about you, woman!
Actually, some of you not all.
In the past, as the world was introduced to us through the server screen, we were not (allowed) to see anything of the (modern) woman, but her hair.
That was either shown in Indian, American or Egyptian films. Less was seen in Khalijee series but surely not in Omani ones.

After that, the issue developed, I don’t remember when, but it did developed. This development was accompanied by clothing being shrunk up and down. On top, a woman’s bosom was clearly shown to public and covers were taken off. From bottom, skirts and dresses were cut showing sexy legs and stick-like legs.

At that time, this was the most extreme and free exposure we were allowed to see by T.V. stations. Nevertheless, we were content and happy.

Intimate kisses were censored and not shown to public as a measure to save morals and to stick to traditions.

Ops! I’ve forgotten to tell you that all these films and T.V. programs were transmitted and received via aerial antenna. The channels we could receive were Oman T.V., Abu Dhabi T.V. and Iran T.V.

Then, the world witnessed a huge leap by the introduction of satellite channels. The situation did not only develop but it exacerbates intensively.

Now the whole world is brought to use through this small flat screen.

The orange (Burtoqalah) came dancing and looking for someone to peel her/it skin off.

At this stage, the stage of the great explosion, lips are bumped; boobs are enlarged and fitted with silicon.

Arms are now breathing comfortably after being squeezed under cover. The two hills are shown with a wide valley running between them. And the wild plain destroys its fence to allow free grazing to all type of kettles and dogs.

Covers are also taken off knees and thighs. The more clothing is taken off, the more attraction is gotten.

I told you, it is merely developing; rather it is intensifying and reaching the point of no return.

One would say stop the exposure of naked bodies by stopping watching them on T.V. use the remote control!
Man! The matter now is not limited to what is shown on T.V. It is touching public taste and many women are following the models on T.V. as a type of fashion.

We better walk closing tightly our eyes.
However, truly speaking, we, men, have become immune against nudity. Men are now turned down rather than turned up by this “Big Explosion or the Big Bang”.

Ironically, a woman of this type, wearing nothing but few pieces here and there, would appear on T.V. claiming that she has been sexually harassed or stalked by men.

Ya Shaikha!

You pour oil on fire and say you did nothing

I'm tired of writing.