I Deserve What I Got
Once upon a time,
There was an elegant guy
Clearly, you are reading his, this time
He was modest, generous, but Shy

He had beliefs, that he wouldn't give up
He had concepts he loved to keep
But himself sometimes is forced to tub
So not always what you planet you reap

He wanted to keep a girl
Because losing her, he was afraid
He doesn't like lie, but he did
And he asks for shrift when he said

Though it is wrong and not good
To lie on a person, on a beloved
I did it, because I thought
It is to show her how much I loved

Then I discovered that I am wrong
I needed to be honest, direct and not roan
I told her that I lied
Forgive me, I feel shy

Confidently, I was sure I will be cured
Because she loves me, she will feel
And being too honest, she will heal
But she did what can be excused
Obliterating my dream, my aim, my plans of being next to her
She abandoned me easily, left(ed) me, asking me to leave her
I am curious, I deserve it, indeed, but that was fast!
Though she really knows what I am these days pass.

It is a poem that I wrote
I put it clear note by note
For you guys to vote
Am I deserve it or not?

*Note that the speaker in this poem is not necessarily the writer, for that Literature announces two characters in a poem: The writer, who writes a poem, and the speaker inside the poem, who is definitely the one who lied on his beloved girl.
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هل السموحه اكبر من المبدأ؟
مبدأي انه اذا احد كذب علي
بس مرات
ما يصير نسامح؟
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