I want you to learn to know yourself better. Criticize yourself before anybody do because when you reach a full understanding of yourself you will become capable of accomplishing anything and more than that you will be close to Allah. You will realize the difference when you reach that destination. Nothing is greater than that.

Dear it doesn’t matter how much we suffered in our life you just forget it and focus on your goal. Unlike all the family members, I want you to succeed if you want to but if you don’t want be sure whatever is your decision I am always with you and more than our mother I am proud of you because even if you didn’t pass from the first time that can not deny that you a good person. We succeed by trying. Nobody was born a failure bear this fact in your mind. I have this time sense that Allah will grant me happiness with your success.

Don’t do anything because you want others to look at you better. Do not dissolve in that. Do the right thing and the things you want but it should not be conflicting with what is right and with the values you believe in. Remember what I told you about forgiving, forgetting, and giving.

Your life is your decision…

You both know well that I will never turn my back for you. I will sacrifice my life if it required and won't let you both feel sad. It is something I do intentionally and you are not responsible about anything happened and I never regretted for anything right I am doing because my faith is very strong and will never break. I used to stand with our mother. It was hard to stand against father but right is right and wrong is wrong. We should always stand with right no matter against who let this be your mission.

I am very happy for what happened because it brought your awakening.

The power of the sky will take care of him sooner or later and he knows well that we are better than them. The happiness is in the less always otherwise the prophet could not have said he wanted to live poor and die poor. Never do like these people they sell their identity and their humanity for money. What you earn yourself and with halal lasts more.

My Allah bless you both and I wish to live the moment to see you both graduating.