
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

Once you have loved

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Once you have loved

    There was once this guy who is very much in love with his girl. This
    romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to his

    Although, at that time he was just a small fry in his company, his
    future didn't seem too bright, they were very happy together. Until
    one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come
    back. She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for the
    both of them, so they went their own ways there and then...

    Heartbroken, the guy agreed. But when he regained his confidence, he
    worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make
    something out of himself.

    Finally with all the hard work and the help of friends, this guy had
    set up his own company

    You never fail until you stop trying. One rainy day, while this guy
    was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain
    walk ing to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still
    drenched. It didn't take him long to realize they were his girl's

    With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the
    couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them
    to know that he wasn't the same any more; he had his own company, car,
    condo, etc. He made it! What he saw next confused him, the couple was
    walking towards a cemetery, and so he got out of his car and
    followed...and he saw his girl, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as
    ever at him from her tombstone and he saw his paper cranes right
    beside her...

    Her parents saw him. He asked them why this had happened. They
    explained, she did not leave for France at all. She was ill with
    cancer. She had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not
    want to be his obstacle... therefore she had chosen to leave him.
    Just because someone doesn't love you the way you wa nt them to,
    doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. She had wanted
    her parents to put his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day
    comes when fate brings him to her again...he can take some of those
    back with him

    Once you have loved, you will always love. For what's in your mind may escape but what's in your heart will remain forever.

    The guy just wept...The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting
    right beside her knowing you can't have her, see her or be with her
    ever again.........hope you understand.

    Find time to realize that there is one person who means so much to
    you, for you might wake up one morning losing that person who you
    thought meant nothing to you


    سبحان الله العظيم ... سبحان الله وبحمده

    قال تعالى : ( ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا ويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ...... ) صدق الله العظيم

    Dont expect others to respect you unless you respect yourself first

  • #2
    What an innocent lady

    Nice story

    Thanksfor sharing it

    بدآية هم تجي وتضم وتجرحني وتتعبني
    غريب أوطآن أعيش أحزآن فقدت أشيآء تسعدني

    غريب صآح بعد مآرآح محد يدري ويسمعني
    آنآ يآليل أعيش آلويل ندآء آلخلآن يتبعني

    ۉظل مآأنسآڪ تجي ذڪرآڪ ۉدمعآتي تونسني
    ۉأرد آلآه تلو آلآه ۉصدى آلآهآت يذبحني

    (أنشودة بدايه هم )

    Members of English Section sorry for my decision, things out of control

    There is no need no to mentioned u by names, sorry for putting u down bkz of my decision

    Gonna leave u a visitor message in my profile, plz check it

    Wishing u the BEST of Luck[/FONT]


    • #3
      What a lovely and touching story

      I really believe that such
      nice relations still exist
      even the world has changed
      and the idea about love has been damaged

      But some hearts are still
      fine & have good intentions

      They keep our spirits live
      They move us forward in life
      with hope, wonder and promise



      • #4
        a touching story bro

        i dont completely believe in those stories
        ut it was a good one

        thanks for sharing it
        " فَـــ امان آللّه يآآ وجهـٍ عرفنـي حزّة آلحاجــــهـ "

        حسابي في تويتر @F_alamry



        • #5
          In love there is always SADNESS & PAIN
          أيا معشر العشاق بالله خبروا
          إذا حل عشق بالفتى كيف يصنع
          يداري هواه ثم يكتم سره
          ويخضع في كل الأمور ويخشع


          • #6
            thanks dear for the lovely story
            أشياء في حياتك لا تفعلها
            فقد الثقة ونكث الوعد وتحطيم العلاقات وكسر القلب

            لأنها لا تحدث صوتا ولكنها تحدث الكثير من الألم


            • #7
              what a wonderful dear

              keep it up


              • #8
                It hurts me alot
                . . .
                Find time to realize that there is one person who means so much to

                . . .
                ur STORY so Wonderful
                . . .
                thanks bro
                ][ يكفـي إنـي من البدآوه تعلمـت ×؛× إن الخضـوع لغيـر ربـي مذلـه ][


                • #9
                  what a sad story ?? it alomst makes my cry ?? thats what i like 2 call (( true love )) my friends

                  thanx 4 the wonderful story
                  Lookin 2 my eye's
                  U c what u mean 2 me
                  search ur heart
                  search ur soul
                  when finally that
                  U search no more
                  Don't tell me is not worth trying 4
                  U can tell me is not worth dying 4
                  U know is tru
                  every thing i do
                  i do it 4 u

                  أحب الصالحين ولست منهم لعلي ألقى بهم شفاعة
                  وأكره من تجارتهم معاصي ولو كنا سويآ في البضاعة

