
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

حوار مفتوح بين الادارة والاعضاء

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • #16
    Welcome back again Nawras

    I am delegating to get your response after 10 days! Truss me that the only way this forum became active is through your encouragements to members. Thus, I would be pleased if you could take this points into your consideration ;

    1. Supervisors need to be present in a daily basis to encourage members.

    2. Supervisors need to think of ways to make this forum active and I suggest that they post topics which are of interest to other members.

    3. Supervisors need to encourage members in their post and MUST reply to all the posts.

    4. Need to treat all the members the same so every one feel wanted.

    5. Respect!!

    That’s all for now and I am sure I will not get a response until a week or two.



    • #17
      i think every thing ok in that room
      but we need to more subject to make
      conversation between the person
      in this room
      that thing to improve our skill in writting or reading
      english word
      i hope to do that thing
      Also we need some one how will corect our mistake in the grammer
      or in the spelling
      Thats all
      i say that thing becouse i still student
      and i need for more practise in this language
      my goals is ur pleased

      أعذب الكلمات تقال فيكِ

      و أن قمة الشوق و اللهفة في لقاءك

      السماء و السحاب و المطر روعة

      كلما لاح طيفك

      البحر و الموج و الشاطي آمان

      كلما سمعت صوتك الشجي

      البشر و الشجر و الفراشات سلام


      • #18
        Since its an Open discussioN betweeN members and the AdministratioN !!!
        Why dont we just stop postinG random Opinions and try to gather theM in Points ?

        So For MemberS !! try to give some OpinionS on how we could improve the English ForuM More and more


        حبيبتي وش حالها قبل الرحيل .. أشوف أنا في عيونها دمعة وراء دمعة تسيل .. كلمتها .. طمنتها .. وعدتها أبقى لها ...
        راحت قبل ما أنهي الكـــلام .. راحت تخنقها عبرة في الزحـــام


        • #19
          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Dr.Talal
          Welcome back again Nawras

          I am delegating to get your response after 10 days! Truss me that the only way this forum became active is through your encouragements to members. Thus, I would be pleased if you could take this points into your consideration ;

          1. Supervisors need to be present in a daily basis to encourage members.

          2. Supervisors need to think of ways to make this forum active and I suggest that they post topics which are of interest to other members.

          3. Supervisors need to encourage members in their post and MUST reply to all the posts.

          4. Need to treat all the members the same so every one feel wanted.

          5. Respect!!

          That’s all for now and I am sure I will not get a response until a week or two.

          I have force of circumstances wich mekes me fighting with the time to post and replay
          but I usually monitor the forum
          I'm 100% agree with you
          thanks a lot for your opinions . I'll keep it in the center of the cinsideration
          Thanks again
          On prograss ......

