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Writing Effectively is My Interest

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Writing Effectively is My Interest

    In fact, I was very weak in writing because of the following reasons.
    First, I was not interested in writing. In other words, I was holding
    negtive notion about it such as writing is boring.It is wasting of time. It is tough term.
    Second,I did not read and we all know that reading is relvant to
    strong the other skills of English.Therefore,I did not read any kind of readings.I sometimes ignored doing my assignements in order to avoid reading.

    To sum up, if you want to be succeeded in writing, to write effectively or to demonstrate writing, you have to taste English. In other words, I have to convince yourself that English is interesting and tasteful. Besides that, You have to read more and more because we know that reading increases your store of vocabulary.

  • #2
    English language beautiful and much-needed

    my Problem, I talk well, but the writing is very baaaaaaaaaaaaaad



    • #3
      Writing effectivley needs practice from the writer and u can practice how to write effectivly by reading stories or books that helps how wirte essays or so on.
      Also u need to learn grammer and increase ur Englisg vocabulary by listening to English programs or watching movies for I belive that listening will help more in memorizing the words rather than just reading them.

      When u listen to sth, the brain immeditaly works to receive the words and then save it n ur brain.

      other than these, the person should put in his mind, that his first draft of writing will contain many mistakes but as soon as he re-read his writing once and twice, he will notice his mistakes and will try to correct himself.

      Always try to write first draft and then try to read what u wrote and correct ur mistakes.

      It is good to know ur mistakes rather than letting others to tell u about ur mistakes, coz if u noticed ur mistakes by ur own, y will never repeat them again.

      Writing comes by practice and as u study hard in learing how to write, u will definitly succeed in writing effectivly.

      No one can write effectivly from the first try,
      Everything comes slow and by steps.

      When u walk up the stairs, u walk step by step and so life and things, comes step by step

      All the best to u all

      يا سرب الطيور يا عايد
      عسى طيري معاكم عاد
      ترى شوقي عليه زايد
      ولا أدري ليه صرنا بعاد


      • #4
        My advise to you is that you try to read more and start writing short pecies of writing.
        .If you want someone to help ypu in correcting your writing ,I will be glad to help
        All the best for you

