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A story

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • A story

    Eight-year-old Victoria North is dreading boarding school, and it turns out to be worse than she expected. If her paralyzing homesickness weren't enough, a stern, whistle-blowing housemother and unforgiving schoolgirls unlock a faucet of tears that just keeps coming. Partly because Victoria hates the Coburn Home School so much, her quirky and opinionated classmate Martha Sherman takes a liking to the shy new girl. And that's when things start looking up. In Martha's world, the word for wonderful is "leebossa" and sickeningly sweet is "ick-en-spick." Midnight feasts are plotted behind closed doors, a fabulous secret hut springs from old scraps, and a hidden world of tiny dolls emerges in a dresser drawer. Victoria's homesickness and Martha's general obstreperousness gradually evaporate as their friendship cements. Acclaimed children's book editor Ursula Nordstrom adeptly captures the anxious, earnest, mysterious world of the young girl, the wondrous "secret language" of childhood friendships, and the quirky 8-year-old logic that makes lavender a girl color and orange a boy color. Young readers will delight in finding a book that's written just for them, and adults will appreciate a strangely vivid trip back in time. (Ages 8 to 11)

  • #2
    i tried to read it....it seems good...but it has many wierd words...
    nice work..
    keep on going
    all the best
    أرفض أن تعيش على هامش الحياه، واطلب ان تكون فعلا في هذه الحياه
    ارفض ان تكون لاعبا احتياطيا بالحياه، واطلب ان تكون نجما ساطعا في هذه الحياه
    فالرفض بيدك والقبول ايضا بيدك، فأنت تختار لكن اعرف المسار،
    وتذكر ان دورك مقدس بهذه الحياه، فبادر للعمل بما يوازي هذه القدسيه

    دفتر منسي


    • #3
      Thanks bro for giving us the the highlights of the stroy called
      The Secret Language by Ursula Nordstrom

      though I wish when u copy something next time confirm that it is copied and give the source if u could

      take care

      يا سرب الطيور يا عايد
      عسى طيري معاكم عاد
      ترى شوقي عليه زايد
      ولا أدري ليه صرنا بعاد

