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Take Care of Your kids

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
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  • Take Care of Your kids

    I was strolling in Breeze Garden where some of Muscat Festival activities are being hold and I keep frequently hearing announcement." A child has been found –Name -----Age -------Wearing -----etc "

    It is sad that parents leave their children wondering around and get missing without anyone safeguard them we hear many shocking stories that children run over by car or drown pools or sea due to parents neglect.

    Wherever you go don't let your children go from your sight and always keep an eye on them and don’t make your visit to anywhere change to tragedy.


  • #2
    hahaha, I wen there ones and I heard them calling for he parents

    Poor kids, crying

    wa wa wa wa

    yeah we must hold them not just by finger or hand, but from the arms, as parents did to us

    hnks 4 sharing this with us

    بدآية هم تجي وتضم وتجرحني وتتعبني
    غريب أوطآن أعيش أحزآن فقدت أشيآء تسعدني

    غريب صآح بعد مآرآح محد يدري ويسمعني
    آنآ يآليل أعيش آلويل ندآء آلخلآن يتبعني

    ۉظل مآأنسآڪ تجي ذڪرآڪ ۉدمعآتي تونسني
    ۉأرد آلآه تلو آلآه ۉصدى آلآهآت يذبحني

    (أنشودة بدايه هم )

    Members of English Section sorry for my decision, things out of control

    There is no need no to mentioned u by names, sorry for putting u down bkz of my decision

    Gonna leave u a visitor message in my profile, plz check it

    Wishing u the BEST of Luck[/FONT]


    • #3
      u r right body I don't know why some parents do that maybe coz they've alot of kids and they can't put an eye on them all at the same time..they need more than two eyes to do that
      أيا معشر العشاق بالله خبروا
      إذا حل عشق بالفتى كيف يصنع
      يداري هواه ثم يكتم سره
      ويخضع في كل الأمور ويخشع

