
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

What if.......?

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • What if.......?

    Ever wonder what would happen if

    we treated our Quran like we treat our cell phone?

    What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

    What if we flipped through it several time a day?

    What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

    What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

    What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

    What if we gave it to kids as gifts?

    What if we used it when we travel?

    What if we used it in case of emergency?
    This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Quran?

    Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone,

    we don't have to worry about our Quran being disconnected.

    Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!

  • #2
    Your r right sweetie

    We hv to cater for the Holy Book and getting back to it all the time

    We gonna be save and living happily as far as we r making use of it in our daily life

    Thanks for the topic

    Waiting to see more

    بدآية هم تجي وتضم وتجرحني وتتعبني
    غريب أوطآن أعيش أحزآن فقدت أشيآء تسعدني

    غريب صآح بعد مآرآح محد يدري ويسمعني
    آنآ يآليل أعيش آلويل ندآء آلخلآن يتبعني

    ۉظل مآأنسآڪ تجي ذڪرآڪ ۉدمعآتي تونسني
    ۉأرد آلآه تلو آلآه ۉصدى آلآهآت يذبحني

    (أنشودة بدايه هم )

    Members of English Section sorry for my decision, things out of control

    There is no need no to mentioned u by names, sorry for putting u down bkz of my decision

    Gonna leave u a visitor message in my profile, plz check it

    Wishing u the BEST of Luck[/FONT]


    • #3
      yeah i agree>>>if anyone wants to lighten their grave ......The Holy Quran is the answer!


      • #4
        Believe me then
        we won't be the the same any more as weak as now
        أقـولُ أمـامَ الـنـاسِ لـسـتِ "حــبــيــبــتــي" ... وأعـرفُ فـي الأعـمـاقِ كـم كـنـتُ "كــاذبــا" !!
        وازعــمُ ألاَّ شــيئَ يـجـمـعُ بـيـنـنـا ... لأُبـعِــدَ عـن نـفـسـي وعـنـكـِ الـمـتـاعـبـا ..

        فـلا اللـيـلُ يُـخـفِـي لـو أرادَ نـجـومـهُ ... ولا الـبـحـرُ يـخـفـي لو أرادَ الـمـراكـبـا !!

        SometimeS We Have To Give Our Hearts The Chance To Speak Not Holding Our: Principles, Decisions, Pride or Stubbornness


        • #5
          only then .. we'll know what we were missing and what made us behind other cultures

          may allah bless you sweety

          and thanks for the nice topic

          keep it up

          " فَـــ امان آللّه يآآ وجهـٍ عرفنـي حزّة آلحاجــــهـ "

          حسابي في تويتر @F_alamry



          • #6
            Some people prays and treat Quran well only when they get stuck in life ... Only then, they know Allah ...
            May Allah bless you for this lovely topic


            • #7
              thx to u all...inshallah we'll lead the world some day just as in the prophet mohammed's era some day...ameeeen


              • #8
                these IFs make us think
                why we turned this way
                i mean our grandfathers, the earlier Muslims, were treat the Holy Quran as the most marvelous and valuable thing a Muslim would have
                nowadays, when we heard that forigne soldiers have destroyed many Korans, we don't move a feeling
                I am talking to myself first, and to every Muslim
                we should stay with our selves and ask how we used to treat it, and how we must treat it
                أقـولُ أمـامَ الـنـاسِ لـسـتِ "حــبــيــبــتــي" ... وأعـرفُ فـي الأعـمـاقِ كـم كـنـتُ "كــاذبــا" !!
                وازعــمُ ألاَّ شــيئَ يـجـمـعُ بـيـنـنـا ... لأُبـعِــدَ عـن نـفـسـي وعـنـكـِ الـمـتـاعـبـا ..

                فـلا اللـيـلُ يُـخـفِـي لـو أرادَ نـجـومـهُ ... ولا الـبـحـرُ يـخـفـي لو أرادَ الـمـراكـبـا !!

                SometimeS We Have To Give Our Hearts The Chance To Speak Not Holding Our: Principles, Decisions, Pride or Stubbornness

