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Speaking problem ....!!!

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • Speaking problem ....!!!

    How r u my dears ??

    I have a problem .. when I speak english !!

    I can understand the language but when I try to speak.. I always get stuck

    I don't know why ..
    so I want a help from u .. to improve my speaking

    any one has .. any advice that's make me better ..please tell me

    my regards

    يقولـــــــــون مــــــــرّ وهذا الاثــــــر

  • #2
    hello Taj

    your problem is common especially between English learners

    you just have to read more and try to practice your language

    join English groups or speaking courses and use every chance to speak English

    always Practice makes Perfect

    الدال على الخير كفاعله


    يـا كثر مـا يطري على البال توقيع,
    ولا شفتلي توقيع يرضي غ ـروري .!
    إن مــا ح ـصل توقيع فوق التواقـيع ,
    ولا عن التوقيع يكفي ح ـضوري .!


    • #3
      Hey Taj
      What a nice name

      .About ur problem, actually, it is not a big problem
      .u just have to practise reading in front of a person

      .And try to communicate with others by speaking in English

      Keep practising , this is an important process in order to speak as natives speakers

      Wish u all the best



      • #4
        hey dude

        do u know that the average Omani student speaks 20 minutes of English per week

        so how can a person learns a language without even practicing it

        snobby's and nazek's advices are perfect

        u need to practice to speak English fluently

        but i just want to add something

        try to speak with ur friends and families don't be shy

        and i know that maybe at first they will laugh at u (that what happened to me )

        but don't pay any attention to what people think

        just improve ur self

        and u will get there

        take care

        Life is an Adventure ... Dare it
        Life is a Challenge ... Meet it
        Life is a Love ... Enjoy it
        Life is a Tragedy ... Face it
        Life is a Struggle ... Fight it
        Life is a Promise ... Fulfill it
        Life is a Journey ... Complete it
        Life is a Goal ... Achieve it
        Life is an Opportunity ... Take it
        Life is a Puzzle ... Solve it
        Life is a Song ... Sing it
        Life is a Sorrow ... Overcome it
        Life is a Spirit ... Realize it
        Enjoy life, There's plenty of time to be dead


        • #5
          that is not bag problem
          just do practise n dont speck fast
          and first thinking what u want to tooking
          n u li be ok


          • #6
            For me, I always read “The week” news paper
            And speak English at home with my family…
            As what Zaraki said, first, they were laughing at me but nowthey got use to that!!



            • #7
              hi Dear
              however,ther are many things that you can do to improve your speaking skills
              1-1 listen to spoken english as often as possible
              2- you can watch films
              so you have more things to do it
              good night

              وينك ترى جانا مطر
              كل الشوارع امطرت ما غير شارعنا
              وينك ترى جانا مطر


              • #8
                hey dear student Taj

                Actually this is a common mistake btweeen our students

                This maybe happen beacouse they feel not comfortable when they speak in English

                So,you must be confident when you speak to any one

                an you will see yourself improve gradually

                This is my advise for you
                look the moon is calling u
                see the stars are shining for u
                lesten the birds are singingfor u
                hear my heart says I miss u


                • #9
                  Well, everybody knowes more of a language than what he ia consiously aware of....from experience we believe that we are not capable of communicating in a language we are learning...BUT the solution to this problem is really easy... GET EXPOSED TO THAT LANGUAGE AS MUCH AS U CAN..LISTEN TO NATIVE SPEAKERS...As children, we learned by listening to people around us & imitating them.. It's the best way not by learning grammar.


                  • #10
                    try to speak english with ur family
                    tell them that they must speak to u in english or u r not going to answer them



                    • #11
                      well this is my problem too

                      and i realized what is my prob

                      which i do not practice

                      thank u all 4 ur advice

