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? What can e-clubs provide for the university campus

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  • ? What can e-clubs provide for the university campus

    Some ensure its importance while others indicate their lack of credibility
    Survey – Abdul Raheem Al Brashdi
    E-clubs play a vital role in publishing topics and discussing them especially in educational organizations. These clubs actually facilitate the interaction among students on the issues and topics that are posted by exchanging opinions and ideas among the users
    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	Untitled-1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	1 
الحجم:	62.7 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	10781832

    In order to shed light on this issue, we interviewed Mr Khaled Ahmed Ambosaidi, a computer
    technician at the educational resource centre at Nizwa College of Applied Sciences. Mr Khaled said, ‘’ From my own point of view, I see that one of the main benefits of these e-clubs is the intelligent kind of discussions which always help in solving the problems most students in all educational stages face.’’ He added that these clubs can be divided into many parts where each can focus on a particular specialization. This will help in publishing and spreading the specialized knowledge. By this, the electronic clubs will actually become an important part of the educational process like the role practiced by teachers or doctors.
    The students interact via these clubs by posting critical issues in the educational process and solving these issues step by step to reach new ideas that will eventually lead to the improvement of the educational knowledge in colleges

    Mr Khaled added, ‘’the disadvantages of these clubs is the publication of some topics which are unethical and may affect the reputation of some of the staff at colleges.’’ He also indicated that the topics which are suitable for publication in these clubs cover all the knowledge and topics that serve the educational process. Also, writers in these clubs should avoid the topics that spread negative views about certain people as this may lead to confusion among students and staff at the colleges which may ultimately result in losing the trust between them.
    Hussain Mahmood Al Lawati, a student in the Communication Department at Nizwa College of Applied Sciences, said ‘‘E-clubs provide a big area for discussions, the exchange of point of views and the introduction of whatever new. In addition, these clubs can be considered one of modern media ways which have their own fans and leaders.

    These e-clubs are the best way that helps students to contact other different educational organizations and communities. They also serve in presenting the students’ creativity to the society.’ However, he added, ‘‘from my point of view, I see that the e-clubs lack some supervision and credibility in sharing news. This is because of the existence of different groups of people who use these clubs.’’

    Another student at Nizwa College of Applied Sciences, Khaled Nasser Al Mawali, said,’ ‘E-clubs are educational forums where people in the society can meet regardless their age group. This contributes to the exchange of ideas and opinions around topics or issues though discussions and this in itself helps reinforce talents and broad thinking of individuals when they discuss issues in a scientific and cultural way.’
    Also, e-clubs play a big role in taking care of students’ concerns and discussing them with the students and people in charge and society members in order to resolve them. They also allow students to say their opinions and share ideas. He added, ‘it is true that these clubs have a positive role in raising the cultural level of the individuals, but it causes some problems and conflicts between users of these clubs This can lead to the loss of the main goal of establishing such clubs which is discussing issues in a scientific and cultural way that truly reflects the cultural and the religious level of the community.’

    The student, Safa Al Qasmi, said, ‘These e-clubs are a great effort in the area of discussing social issues and they also help in strengthening the brotherhoodship between nations. This is achieved through the broadcasting of social, political and commercial discussions.’ Also, these clubs help in solving many difficulties and problems. They raise the level of social awareness and encourage the users to do well and succeed in different sectors of educational life. Also these clubs play a vital role in the interactions among students.’

    The student Zamzam Al Belushi said,’ these clubs contribute to the growth of individuals’ talents in the society and strengthen the brotherhoodship between people. She added that these clubs are considered as a mirror of civilization, so anyone can see the level of civilization of any country from these clubs. Also, these clubs interact with the students’ issues and help in finding solutions though the discussions between the users of the clubs. In addition, they allow the exchange of opinions regarding students’ issues especially in local and political affairs. On the other hand, she indicated that the negative side of these clubs is that they make people addicted to using the Internet. They make people neglect their duties and create problems between members of the clubs when discussing issues