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  • تصفية - فلترة
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Passport

    [align=center]السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته[/align]

    : Dear Friends

    I have just received an e-mail stating that the personal information in our passports are now available online due to the move for globalized screening of entries and exits of people in most, if not all countries. These information have been accessed through the UK, Schengen, American, Australian and Asian database

    It is scary that they are doing this now. It does not only invade our privacy, but exposes us to danger, if these information land on the wrong hands. The matter that gives me a fright is that there is no strict form of security to access the site. One only needs to type his name and country of citizenship and the passport's identification page displays. I myself tried to search and found my passport and was totally stunned to see it at http://www.scrolllock.nl/passport/

    [align=center]يعطيكم العافية

    Nourouk [/align]

  • #2
    hi my friend nourouk
    i tried so hard to search my passport put i desperation
    could y kindly explain it in easy way
    [align=center]من لي اذا قلبتنى الأكف... وجردنى غاسلى من ثيابى ...ومن لى اذا صرت فوق السرير...وشيل سريرى فوق الرقاب...ومن لي اذا ما هجرت الديار...وعوضت عنها بدار الخراب ... ومن لي اذا ابا اهل الوداد عنى ...وقد يئسوا من ايابى ... ومن لي اذا درست رمتى ... وابلى عظامي عفر التراب .[/align]

