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I and my Brother in Amazon

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • I and my Brother in Amazon

    I and my Brother in Amazon

    Maha Al-biloshi- Ibri

    This summer holiday was different from previous summer holidays because I and my brother had an adventure in Amazon which was dangerous but we got experience in terms of dealing with strangers and making decisions in critical situations.
    The story begins when we went to Brazil on 1st July 2010 just for a week. It was really a tiresome journey. Our plan, Emirates Airline launched from Muscat International Airport at 10:30 pm on Thursday but it didn’t go directly to Brazil because there was transit in Kuwait. We waited in the airport patiently for 3 hours and then the long and boring journey started to Brasilia which took almost nine hours. We arrived at 10 am in Oman timing but there it was 3 am and we took our luggage and went to hotel by the bus. The hotel was gorgeous but we were so tired that we went to our rooms. In the next day, after we ate breakfast the tour started to the rainforest. There were 15 tourists and we were the only Arabs from Oman while others were European and Asian so of that they look at us in strange way.
    We reached the camps after an hour by bus and we had to stay here for 3 days. The guide showed and explained to us strange and beautiful plants, trees, flowers, insects...etc. when it was dark he told us not to walk near the lake since wild animals will be waiting for their prey. The tourists sparked fire and sat around it and started singing and telling scary stories while we didn’t join them and went to sleep early. In the early morning we woke up for dawn prayer but our parents and our two young sisters went to sleep except I and my brother Ahmed we were giggling and whispering. We went out and nobody was there since it was still dark I told him to go back but he refused and wanted to see the lake and discover the place. So this we did, firstly we went to the top of small hill to see the sun rise. It was really gorgeous scene, the sun was as a golden ball rising from the green mountains and spreading its shining golden waves and twitter of birds was like a beautiful song for the new day. We stayed there for a while and then we went down to the lake which was quiet and empty from wild animals so we washed our faces with cold water and started playing by splashing water to each other. While we were laughing and making jokes we heard a strange voices coming behind rocks covered with green plants so we approached slowly and found two kids of a gorilla which were playing and making strange sounds. We wanted to touch them and play with them but suddenly a big angered gorilla appeared and started chasing us. We run as fast as we could but pitifully not to the camps so we didn’t know where our foot are taking us. We found ourselves stuck because in front there was a waterfall and behind us that angered gorilla so we decided to jump into the waterfall even though it was very dangerous because there were big rocks and the water was very fast. It took us very far and we didn’t know to where but luckily we were alive yet very tired, hungry and injured.
    We look around and saw only thick dark green trees and the weather was humid and hot so I started blaming my brother because he was the reason of what happened but I saw it was no use to blame him and we had to find a way to return to the camps so we walked beside the river praying to see somebody. We were so tired and hungry that we tried to eat the leaves of trees but they were very bitter and tasteless and the weather was becoming hotter and humid. However when we were resting under a tree he heard voices of human and told me but I was so tired that I couldn’t hear anything except the voices of animals, birds and insects yet I followed him to source of these voices. Surprisingly, we found some people but locals. I told Ahmed to wait and see whether they are good people because there was only a cottage and 5 people, three men and two women who lived in the forest but my impetuous brother just waited for few minutes and rushed to ask them for help. When they saw us they smiled and welcomed us but whispered with each other. Luckily one of the women knew little English so she spoke with us broken English and we entered the cottage yet I was suspicious and afraid. However when that woman brought first aid and relieved our injuries, I thought they are good people and I was calmed and told her about the camps so she promised me that she’ll take us there after we get some rest. They brought for us water, fruit and we ate as we haven’t eaten anything for long time but after few minutes we fall down and were unconscious. When my brother woke up me I found my hands and legs tied with ropes and Ahmed too. We were in a small dirty room with a small window and a locked door. I burst into tears but he calmed me and he started searching for a sharp thing and I found it which was a piece of glass and he found a box of matches and took it. I cut the rope from my hands and legs and then I released Ahmed. He tried to open the door but it was lock and they were inside so we stand over barrels, opened the widow slowly and get out from the awful place without making any noise. It was getting dark so we run quickly to find a place to spend the night and we found a small cave so we entered, collected some branches and Ahmed sparked a fire from matches but we couldn’t pray because there was no water and the place wasn’t comfortable. Albeit there weren’t any wild animals, we couldn’t sleep due to insects which bit us. In the early morning we came out of the cave and walked hopping to find a help and find something to eat. While we were walking under dark green trees we heard a loud sound, it was a helicopter of rescue. Although we shouted and waved, they couldn’t see us because of the trees so we ignited a fire hopping they will see us but two men saw us who were from that gang, we run away but one of themthrew wet soil on fire. We run and hide among trees so they lost us; nevertheless, we were afraid that they may come so we were there for half an hour and then we moved carefully. When we reached near waterfall we ignited a fire again and after a while we heard that loud sound again which was the helicopter and this time they saw us and took us to hospital. While we were in the helicopter I told them about these bad people so they were arrested after two days and they were a gang of kidnappers who kidnap foreign people and take them to black market. We met our family in hospital and we were there for two days due to bad nutrition and injuries while our parents and two sisters went for shopping. On Wednesday 7th July we returned to Oman, the land of peace and we were very happy specially I and my brother, Ahmed.
    In brief, travelling to foreign countries is interesting and a good experience but we must be with the group or family and shouldn’t take risks if we want to discover a place as we did.

    The End

  • #2
    The best thing I like in Traveling is the adventure of doing something new and risky
    looli, I like it.

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    SometimeS We Have To Give Our Hearts The Chance To Speak Not Holding Our: Principles, Decisions, Pride or Stubbornness

