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When Every Hope Has Been Explored

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  • When Every Hope Has Been Explored

    [align=justify][align=left]I usually receive some articles by mail, so I felt like sharing the following
    article with you. It is inspiring, although I have to confess that I replaced some words in it


    [align=center]When Every Hope Has Been Explored[/align]
    By: Malcolm Muggeridge

    It is precisely when every earthly hope has been explored and found wanting, when every possibility of help from earthly sources has been sought and is not forthcoming, when every recourse this world offers, moral as well as material, has been drawn on and expended with no effect, when in the shivering cold every stick of wood has been thrown on the fire, and in the gathering darkness every glimmer of light has finally flickered out—it is then that God's hand reaches out, sure and firm, that God’s words bring their
    .inexpressible comfort, that his light shines brightest, abolishing the darkness for ever

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أطياااااف الغمــام; الساعة 02-09-2005, 05:47 PM.
    ودِّعْ الهَجـْـرَ تـَكُنْ طـَيْفُ مَعَكْ

    (إبراهيم السالمي) [/align]

  • #2
    [align=left]. Remember, where there is hope, there is light
    . Where there is faith, there is an end insight
    . where there is a will, there is a way
    . where there is love, there is the strength to brave the day[/align]
    ودِّعْ الهَجـْـرَ تـَكُنْ طـَيْفُ مَعَكْ

    (إبراهيم السالمي) [/align]


    • #3
      ودِّعْ الهَجـْـرَ تـَكُنْ طـَيْفُ مَعَكْ

      (إبراهيم السالمي) [/align]


      • #4

        [align=left]Whatever decision we make in life
        let us not forget that things do happen for a reason
        In a life full of wonders and surprises
        we can never expect things to turn out the way
        we want to all the time

        But one thing's for sure
        Let us not look back
        to the " road of regret " because there's always
        some form of " light " in whatever lies ahead
        ودِّعْ الهَجـْـرَ تـَكُنْ طـَيْفُ مَعَكْ

        (إبراهيم السالمي) [/align]

