1.Buy Egg
2.Find bus-stop with long queue.
3.Stand near the start of the queue.
4.Take out hankie
5.Put Egg in Hankie
6.Make snorting noises and start saying "Oh God No.."
7.Put Hankie (and hidden egg) around nose
8.Make LOUD Snorting noises
9.Squeeze Egg
10.Allow egg to drip down arm on to floor
The long bus queue will now be much shorter.
1.Buy Egg
2.Find bus-stop with long queue.
3.Stand near the start of the queue.
4.Take out hankie
5.Put Egg in Hankie
6.Make snorting noises and start saying "Oh God No.."
7.Put Hankie (and hidden egg) around nose
8.Make LOUD Snorting noises
9.Squeeze Egg
10.Allow egg to drip down arm on to floor
The long bus queue will now be much shorter.