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How to Mange Stress at Work

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  • How to Mange Stress at Work

    You may like your job , spend hours, just withough realizing that you are doing something may take you to a serious problem in your life. “work stress” how to avoid
    I’ve found myself practicing many of the below points to mange stress at work and life. When I read below article I though I it would be worth sharing with you some good tips

    “We all know stress affects our mental and physical wellness -- both in positive and negative ways.

    Stress at work is what energizes us and stimulates our creative thinking. It is also what frustrates and exhausts us. Today's workplace isn't like your grandparent's -- we're connected to work as never before by cell phones, pagers, PDAs and laptops. So, it is essential to learn techniques to keep us focused on our work, to keep us productive and to create enjoyment in each workday.

    Here are some tips to handle your workplace stress

    Exercise. We've all noticed top execs going to the gym at lunch, well there's a good reason and it's most likely stress. Maybe you can't suit up with the CEO, but you can enroll in an exercise class, jog around the building, or just go for a walk -- go shopping, go outside, change your environment for 30 minutes.

    Manage your time. Prioritize tasks, write them down, and enjoy crossing them off the list when they're done. Pick a level at which you will reward yourself (especially if you are unlikely to be patted on the back by someone else). Talk to your boss when the workload gets tough; the boss is there to help you make choices.

    Turn off the cell phone and email -- at least for a little while. The constant interruptions of electronic devices disrupt our workflow to a significant degree. Resist the urge to answer immediately. Only check your cell phone calls and email a few times per day. Although we have become a society of instant response, it is fine to wait a couple of hours before responding to most issues.

    Watch what you eat. Many of us compensate by eating candy and consuming other goodies when we're stressed. That's only a temporary feel good fix and will probably do more harm than good. By late afternoon, you will feel exhausted. Go for foods that give you real energy such as fresh fruit. Bring snacks from home; vending machines are dangerous. And occasionally, treat yourself with something you love but don't normally eat at work. And, okay, have a cookie just don't eat the entire package.

    Take a short relaxation break. Take a few quiet minutes; close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Read the daily comics in your paper -- laughter is healthy. Send a brief email to a colleague or prospect you haven't been in touch with for a while -- chances are they need a day brightener as well. Use common sense here, don't do it while you are on deadline or in a meeting.

    Talk about it. Sometimes talking about your stress to family members or close friends is all it takes to provide you with needed relief.

    Feeling stress at work isn't a sign of weakness but a sign of the times. So, add "managing stress" to your "To Do" list and "Work Well."

    Source http://www.timesofoman.com/health/[/align]
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة عاشق الرديدة; الساعة 12-09-2005, 10:28 AM.

  • #2
    [align=center]You are absolutely right. Yes, we need

    to relax from work from time to a time

    This relaxation can be done in different ways

    as you mentioned

    and in my opinion, I think sports are playing a big

    role in returning life to a workaholic person

    Thnx alot

    Hope Candles[/align]

    7 Lets Play Scrabble 8

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    ربي هب لي لسان صدق في العالمين


    • #3
      It is always said “All work and no play makes Khalid a dull boy


      • #4
        More on Stress

        Ask a busy friend how he or she is doing, and chances are you'll hear the word "stress." That's a common response these days. While some people flourish under pressure, others suffer the consequences with fatigue, headaches, muscle pain or irritability. Stress may creep up slowly as a nagging worry, or it can hit fast and hard in the loss of a lover or job. Even happy occasions like weddings produce stress. While short-term stress makes us anxious for awhile, chronic stress can seriously damage health. Our stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, are intended to help us react to extreme situations, but if those hormones don't turn off, they wear down the body systems. Prolonged stress can increase the risk of heart disease, impair memory, accelerate aging processes and weaken the immune system. You could end up with more colds -- or a heart attack

