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Welcome..... Our Lovely Visitor.......

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  • Welcome..... Our Lovely Visitor.......

    alsalam 3laikum...all lovely brothers and sisters....hope you all doing great..

    Don't you agree with me that we all waiting our special visitor..that visitor which only visits us once a year...we 've missed it loads and we all should be prepared by now for welcoming it in the right way..
    Sure you know whom I'm talking about....Yes it is Ramadan

    There are many people we lived with who passed away without knowing that the past ramadan would be their last...and they couldn't have the chance to meet it again...
    If they knew, they would do their bests to live each holly moment of ramadan,,trying to do as many good deeds as they can

    Why don't we learn from them...why don't we live ramadan every month.. no one knows when our moment is coming , when our bodies will be buried under the ground..and nothing more than ALLAH's murcey would help us!

    Happy Ramadan to you all


    شكرا جوااااهر

  • #2
    [align=center]nice topic indeed dear sis, and at same time it's touchable

    our welcome to Ramadan is by being in a strong connection with our GOD, not only fasting,and reading holy Quran , and many other things

    but this things we have to contuinu doing it, not only in Ramadan ,

    this things makes our soul pure , and even evil can not come to insinuation as by his bad ideas

    thanks dear for this wonderful topic

    keep close


    A mom is like a flower

    On a sunny summer day

    You’d pick her in a minute

    If you could have your way

    A mom is like the sunshine

    She warms your heart each day

    And makes you feel like smiling

    It’s just her special way

    Of saying that she loves you

    The way that mothers do

    A mom is very special

    That’s why you love her, too


    • #3
      Happy Ramadan to you also sisand to al membersl
      [align=justify]المشاعر في غيابك
      ذاب فيها ألف صوت
      والليالي من عذابك
      عذبت فيني السكوت
      وصرت خايف لا تجيني
      لحظة يذبل فيها قلبي
      وكل اوراقي تموت
      آه لو تدري حبيبي
      كيف ايامي بدونك
      تسرق العمر وتفوت[/align]

