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GOLDEN shoes

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  • GOLDEN shoes

    When you think of gold shoes, the first thing that might come to your mind is a wedding shoe, prom nights and special evenings. You might wonder if gold shoes are right for the daytime. There are several different shades of gold such as champagne and beige that look fabulous in summer. There is even a color that looks like faded gold. If you are looking forward to wearing gold during the day time then this is the kind of color that you should opt for. They look perfect when teamed up with wedges. Also, if you are a little scared of getting all gold on your shoes then you can team up gold with black. The metallic look that gold has looks perfect against the backdrop of gold.

    If you are bold enough then you can go on and team up gold wedges sandals with a summery yellow dress to look fabulous in it. if you feel that you don’t want too much of gold on your shoes and yet love the color and what it can do for your looks, then tame it down with another color.

    The shimmer in gold is certainly a good thing to get into your attire in summer. It is the perfect golden hue that reminds one of summer. Also, you can get gold in several different avatars and not the same one all the time. There is so much of variety in the color gold that you can go on to choose the one that best suits you and you are confident enough to carry it on you.

    But, there is certainly something perpetually sinful and delightful at the same time of having got golden shoes at your feet. It can surely set your soul soaring.[/CENTER]

    for more detailes and bucture

    "سبحــانَك اللهُــم إني كُنت مِن الظالــمين"

    "لـ‘ـن أشكـ‘‘ـو فـالشكـ‘ـوى إنحنــ"‘ـاء ... و أنـ‘ـا نبـ"‘ـضُ عـروقــي كبريـ‘‘ـاء ... و كلّمــا زادت معرفتـ‘ـي لبعـض البشـ‘ـر ...

    زاد إحـ‘ـترامـ‘ـي |[للحـ‘ـذاء]|!

    للحب عهود اربعة : يولد بين يدي الاستخفاف
    و ينمو تحت جناح الرغبة ، و يصان بالاحسان
    و يموت مسمما بالغيرة

  • #2
    is this topic only for girls

    aren't golden shoes are little heavy to wear
    and a bit too expensive

    sorry couldn't read all the topic , you started in such way that chase off the reader
    hmm .. try to make it more fun than interactive

    people usually come here to enjoy their times, and you could use that
    entertain them..and teach them

    be a creative writer

