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Health promotion in Oman

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • Health promotion in Oman

    Health promotion strategies are not limited to a specific health problem, nor to a specifific set of behaviours.

    Health promotion, policy, legislation and regulation, are equally valid for prevention of communicable disease, injury and violencen, as they are for prevention of noncommunicable diseases.

    As a member of omanlover forum, you have been asked for new ideas or suggestion(s) to aid in improving health service in Oman.......
    what suggesion(s) will you give?
    :doooctoor Harvard Medical School
    عــــــذرًا مســــــــاءي ........... عذرًا لأني جئت وحدي
    :whaaat?: من راقب الناس مات هما

  • #2
    mmmm the way you write you topic, reminds me of exams questions:D

    Health promotion and prevention can net be met alone by the work of ministry of health. I assume individuale organisations should be created to deal with a specific disease.
    In Oman, heart diseases, strokes, Dibetes Mellitus and asthma are the major health problems. I never heard of any special organisation dealing with heart disease patients or Diabetic ones.
    Those patients must be advised and educated to manage well with their illness. The risk factors should be clearly highlighted to them

    I hope I covered the main points here..

    I'll be around.. Nice topic brother... keep it up

    شكرا جوااااهر


    • #3
      Thanks Sister Shatha_alward for your reply

      The most thing that took my attention in your reply is the creation of medical organisation. You right, maybe we need national organisationthats going to be responsible about educationg people about risk factors and the prevention of certain disease.

      We also need a medical council.This council should maintains the
      register of of Medical Practitioners, controls the education and training standards for medical students and postgraduate doctors.

      :doooctoor Harvard Medical School
      عــــــذرًا مســــــــاءي ........... عذرًا لأني جئت وحدي
      :whaaat?: من راقب الناس مات هما


      • #4
        You've pointed out a very good point..
        Medical Council... It would be great if we do have it..

        Thumbs up
        شكرا جوااااهر

