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Idioms & Expressions

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Idioms & Expressions

    hiiiiiiiiiii alllllll

    how are ya doing ??

    i got a good game, and i'd like to share it with you all

    each one types an idiom or experssion explaining what it means

    from this game we all will learn new things and improve our english

    hope you like it

    i will start :

    You can take a horse to the river, but you cant force it to drink.

    you can tell someone what to do or what is better for him but its up to the person himself to do it or not

    who is next ??!

    solo soul

  • #2
    he's blue...

    means he's sad..

    nice game bro.... keep it going..
    شكرا جوااااهر


    • #3
      hiii again

      okay i got another one

      I'm Pulling Your Leg

      it means: i am just kidding with you

      solooooo soul


      • #4
        niceeee game

        but i'm really bad in proverbs

        i'll tell ya one which i like it

        it's rainning cats and dogs

        means: it's rainning continuously

        A mom is like a flower

        On a sunny summer day

        You’d pick her in a minute

        If you could have your way

        A mom is like the sunshine

        She warms your heart each day

        And makes you feel like smiling

        It’s just her special way

        Of saying that she loves you

        The way that mothers do

        A mom is very special

        That’s why you love her, too


        • #5

          When There's A Well, There Will Be A Way

          means: when you are ambitious to do somthing, you will find a way to achieve it

          soloooooooo soul

