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stop holding grudges

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
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مشاركات جديدة

  • stop holding grudges

    :icon[align=right]life lets us down . People we count on disappoint us; others transgress against us . A financial fortune is lost overnight; a healthy body is broken in an instant . When misfortune strikes, some people generate enormous resentment against others or against life in general; they are determined to extract some measure for what they have lost . Others accept their fate and go on to make the best of life. you can free yourself of grudges[/align]

    yes you can

    Recognize that the grudge is weighing down and holding you back . Even if you recapture what you've lost, you'll only regain the ststus quo. Use your precious time , instead, to grow and to advance
    No despair in life and no life with despair