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Feel more Optimistic

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • Feel more Optimistic


    We live in increasingly negative time fueled by the disintegration of social bonds and the dissolution of religious faith. A measure of optimism helps to combat gloom and gives us the courage and the energy to shed adversity . Can you muster hopefulness in the midst of despair

    [إبدُ أكثرَ تفاؤلاً

    نحن بشكل مباشر في الوقتِ السلبيِ جداً أثارَ بتفككِ الروابطِ الإجتماعيةِ وحلِّ الإيمانِ الدينيِ. مقياس لتفاؤلِ يُساعدُ لمُقَاتَلَة إِغْتِمام وإعْطائنا الشجاعةِ والطاقةِ لإراقة المصيبةِ. يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تُحشّدَ أملاً في وسطِ اليأسِ
    No despair in life and no life with despair

  • #2
    Who said life is easy? It's always had and we always have

    to keep it going no matter what.!... It is surprising the way how we as

    Human beings can cope with stressful daily living activities!!

    Life has changed dramatically in the past decades. People are more

    concerned about themselves with high self image and lack of social

    interaction. No wonder depression ranks high in WHO scale

    for medical funding..!

    Thanx for your topic..!

    I like it alot..

    شكرا جوااااهر


    • #3
      thank for reply my topic

      smokey eyes[/align]
      No despair in life and no life with despair


      • #4
        [align=center]I was saying something this mornning
        about this topic


        Always be optimistic
        and always c the bright side of things
        it makes ur life easier
        ...and happier

        ...thanx bro[/align]


        • #5
          ممنوع وضع إعلانات في التوقيع والصور الرمزية

          تم تحرير التوقيع بواسطة الكـووس
          إدارة عاشق عمان


          • #6
            We are determined to overcome the problem
            No despair in life and no life with despair


            • #7
              look to the future,and forget the past

              [align=center]one of the some people never have happy todays is that they continue to relive unhappy yesterdays. They would rather revisit the pain of the past than plan for a fantastic future . You con not change what has already happened to you . You can get on with your life, and you can put safeguards into place ensure a better tomorrow[/align]
              No despair in life and no life with despair


              • #8
                thanks brothers and sisters with god willing we do it
                أيا معشر العشاق بالله خبروا
                إذا حل عشق بالفتى كيف يصنع
                يداري هواه ثم يكتم سره
                ويخضع في كل الأمور ويخشع

