
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

Dear Sister

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Dear Sister

    [align=left][align=justify][align=left]She looked at me surprised “what are you thinking of?” I looked at her and smiled “’You don’t care about the world around you??!!! look here freedom, entertainment and life”
    Your question would be better if you said Is there anything you didn’t think off. I care about the world but because the world definition is different from yours. Dearest sister we live for good meanings. Life has great meanings and it is not hidden in your jewelries or perfumes... It is worthless to fly from happiness when you have accessories while you are not able to rely on yourself, you could not draw a goal for yourself or in other words put an effort to pass a course which you failed 4 times. It is not modern if you looked at other people like they are less than you and you are a king. Human of all races, whether poor or rich whether good or evil deserve respect. It is one of the simple rights for humans which the common nations asking for or pretending to do so.

    Dear sister achievements should not be evaluated by amounts accomplished but how did you accomplish them …
    Did you face once that you have to decide to keep marks up or keep a friend? Did you resist your passion to help someone else you don’t know? Did you ask how many of your friends know you when you needed them? May be you missed or forget the important question “Did you prayed honestly?”.. Did you set your goals for the purpose to be closer and closer to his satisfaction?
    May be few believes that success comes only if Allah is satisfied about the person.

    Dear sister we are not victims, in all situations humans alone build the causes and consequently they harvest what they planted and Allah is a witness. Evil and good is facts just like the heaven and hill in every religion.

    Dear sister it doesn’t matter whether you are highly educated or not... It doesn’t matter how far you gone and how many books you spent the nights reading if you don’t own little wisdom to proceed in life.

    Dear sister I have seen that what differentiate Muslims from others is that they have hope always because of their faith. Therefore you could observe that euthanasia is not legalized in Muslims countries.

    Dear sister life never stops at any stage it keeps rolling and accordingly we do. In between there are real rare meanings and untold stories you should discover to be great.

    Dear sister if you were able to see those I mentioned you could guess what I thought about and what I never thought about…[/align][/align][/align]

    الصدق ربيع القلب و زكاة الخلق و ثمرة المروءة و شعاع الضمير...

  • #2
    This was part of my guidance for my sister ... I wish you benefit from it and remember it is one person experience of life ...Yours might be different but it will not diviate from that if you are a good person.

    Your feedback and openions are highly appreciated..
    Sorry about the organization because iam in hurry. I think this is what i miss all the time ...

    Thanking you
    الصدق ربيع القلب و زكاة الخلق و ثمرة المروءة و شعاع الضمير...

