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Talking to the devil

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  • Talking to the devil

    [align=justify]Good and evil always fight but did you ever think that the devil could be so charitable?!!! (not for too long period)
    Devil believes that each human has the evil beside the good no matter of its amount but it is there congenitally. It is very interesting to him if the person is a divine no matter what the divine do to strengthen his faith and purified his heart from what the devil is planting.
    The devil put the divine in his head he do what he usually with normal people but this divine is unique because unlike others he continued resisting going. He realized that the devil wanted him to slip into his hole. Therefore, he went to the west, east, south and finally he returned back to the north. He astonished to found himself like he was born again without faults, no hate and no passion. His mind was filled of faith and good. On the other hand the devil was happy because he will be proud and it will be an achievement to transform the strong faithful divine into small devil. It is challenging for the devil as long as the divine continued resisting all the devil seeds of mistakes.
    The devil decided to leave the divine for a purpose. The divine was sophisticated he spent nights and nights reading. He thought that why he was able to read peacefully? The devil may be given up and learnt that strong faith is impossible to be broken. In fact that was exactly what the devil wanted the divine to reach he is inattentive today and the devil hopes tomorrow he will be aberrant. He exactly knows that god is no unmindful what his creatures do. They continued that way till the kind divine thought exactly like the devil. The surprise was that he wanted to change the devil into good (over optimistic divine!!!). He told himself if I managed to change the worst people it will not be impossible to change the devil he has some good inside. He started to believe that end justifies the means which is his first mistake and the devil was glad. The divine waited tell the devil showed again, then he started talking about the good and heaven (devil and heaven!!!!) and if he left him do good without annoying him with his evil ideas that would be considered the first good he do. The devil is smarter he told the divine ok and he said I know you are sick. He advised him to leave everything behind “the world will not collapse” and take care of himself (not the self we know the self in his definition). The divine eyes shined and he said that it is right; god recommended that we take care of ourselves. He started to listen carefully to the devil. He didn’t notice that he forget to read to protect himself from the devil and he trusted the devil. They became companions but each of them bearing in his mined how he will achieve his goal.

    Who will win? The divine or the devil?
    It seems to me mysterious.[/align]
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