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D u like this movie

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  • D u like this movie

    some people like movies that are based on science feaction and the other :no

    me i dont like movie from science feaction,because i dont understand the story as well as disgusting

  • #2
    nobody replayed why


    • #3
      sorry fiction


      • #4
        i do like this kind of movies but not every thing . i don't like space stufff coz hi think that they are rubbish but i like the ones that are about viruses, biological wars , disseases, chemical stuff


        • #5
          I'm with you I don't like this kind of movies because they don't base on a story
          when I watch these movies, I don't understand it


          • #6
            Hi there

            well ,, it depends on the movie it self
            some movies have certain themes and others
            do not have
            i don't know why
            but science fiction in general
            are produced to be mystirous

            sorry for replying too late

            by the way ,,, i do not like them
            i feel like if i am completely lost in a puzzel
            ...We live as we dream alone

            Joseph Conrad


            • #7
              Hi..science fiction ha I never was a fan of these kind of movies
              they simply don't make sense to me
              I would rather watch a comedy :D
              or action
              The Legends and Tales of Robin Hood
              and his merry band of outlaws

