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Dumping the husband after he was disabled

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  • Dumping the husband after he was disabled

    [align=left]A woman immediately asked her husband for a divorce after knowing that her husband’s bottoms are totally paralysed after a car accident. The Husband can no longer walk neither satisfies his woman.

    How about that gents?. This man could not believe his eyes when his wife told him that she doesn’t want him anymore!!. They were very close and loved each others like nothing would separate them except death.

    Now you guys think your women are really in love with ya!!. Just wait till something happens to you then you will see their inside out!!. Do you know why your women cry when you die?. It’s simply because they are going to stay in the room for 4 months that is all. 4 month is a long period and it’s like a jail to them, so this is the only reason they will cry but not because you are dead. After 4 month they are happier than ever before.

    Wonder why gents ?[/align]

  • #2
    i'm a girl but not all girls do that

    cuz if she marries someine she has to marry him for his heart not for how he looks only

    cuz his attitude is what counts and how he treats his wife

    and i think what that lady did was WRONG



    • #3
      Hi our new friend AlCapone

      welcome to the English forum

      well, that can happen and we see it happening in one way or another

      similarly, we get sons and daughters throwing their parents in hospices

      and don't give them a damn after everything they have done for them.

      Let's not talk it as a general rule , because not all your fingers alike.!

      in your story up there, I don't think the lady cares about her husband at the first place. I think I wil feel relieved if I was in the husband's shoes. because I knew what kind of human being she is..!

      She basically dumped him in the first chance she could.!
      شكرا جوااااهر


      • #4
        Well I know a woman who faced the same situation and because her husband wanted to be fair with her he asked to divorce her but she prefered to live with him although they didnt bring children but see this argue with your story so selfish is present in some men and women too but there are exceptions too.
        الصدق ربيع القلب و زكاة الخلق و ثمرة المروءة و شعاع الضمير...

