
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

Ms. Faith

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Ms. Faith

    [align=center]There are different people in our lives as well as the relations connecting us. One of the big big issues in your life is finding a good friend .. none-profit relation. A unique person who reads you, guide you, encourage you and support you without limits not because of what you give or what you have but because of what you are. On the other hand if you was able to get such friend would you allow yourself to loss that person … would you be stingy to help even without request??
    We should evaluate our selves and our behaviors also. May be I don’t have ideal parents but Allah gifted me a real friend and a good person at the same time. We passed every obstacle together although we were raised differently but we made our friendship successful we met in the center. We assisted each other to re-strengthen our relation with Allah and to accomplish our goals in career. We treat our social wounds in a proper way ..we consult each other. Just like the chromosomes of the body we complement each other. They say do not admire a person in his face therefore I am saying it behind her “I am grateful for Allah because I have you”

    I believe in you
    I love you
    We are stronger together
    We will accomplish it together no matter of difficulties
    Ours will long last because we are real

    I guess most of you think I am arrogant but in fact I am not. I am a farm girl. I climb date palms, herd goats and camels and cut grasses. I am a simple person … I certify I was dealing like that not because I am arrogant but because it is a replay for arrogant people … well many people think if you dealt simply they do not recognize you with a red eye you could do much ..but you could loss your unique metal in between.

    I don’t feel a shame to say sorry if I found my self made a fault or harmed a creature unlike some people …
    I don’t say it if I didn’t

    Good bye for all
    الصدق ربيع القلب و زكاة الخلق و ثمرة المروءة و شعاع الضمير...

  • #2
    wow.. I'm happy for you... so true friendship really exists!

    I think friendship takes time..time to know each other to bulid shared memories and time to get rid of all frustrations that we have from time to time..

    Trust is crucial..we need to share our deepest secters not worring a third party might know..

    I admire your trust telling us about your friendship

    May ALLAH grant it to be forever
    شكرا جوااااهر

