Hi All
Did you ever try to find the translation of any sentence Online… ??? well if you did then you will surely notice that in many websites the translations are literal. And they don’t make sense at all
So today I wanted to give you a very funny example that I came across
Enjoy lol
This is what i wanted to get the English translation for ... which is a Description of an Arabic movie:
استفتاح هى وزوجها جعبل يمارسان السرقة ، وأثناء عملية سرقة فيلا معينة يتم القبض عليها بينما يهرب زوجها ، ويحكم عليها بالمؤبد ، وتخرج بعد قضاء مدة العقوبة وتبحث عن زوجها وإبنها ، فتجد زوجها وقد تزوج من سيدة تدعى صافي وأوهموا إبنها أن أمه هي تلك السيدة ، وتحاول إستفتاح إستعادة إبنها بينما يحاول جعبل إبعادها عن حياته الجديدة
This is the translation that i got:
The هى beginning and her husband جعبل they exercise the stealing , and a specific villa is during the operation of a stealing the orphanhood of the headfuls on her while helps her husband to escape , woe unto you on her by perpetual , the period of the penalty moves out the distance of a judicature she/you looks for its husband build her ,then she/you suffers a burning jointed her in couples you to get married with get married with a dona my fair is being called and instill a delusion build her that I abound in water she hits the lady with the fist , إستفتاح إستعادة tries build her while her removal's جعبل tries El Jadida from his snakes
You know what i mean now.............
Did you ever try to find the translation of any sentence Online… ??? well if you did then you will surely notice that in many websites the translations are literal. And they don’t make sense at all
So today I wanted to give you a very funny example that I came across
Enjoy lol
This is what i wanted to get the English translation for ... which is a Description of an Arabic movie:
استفتاح هى وزوجها جعبل يمارسان السرقة ، وأثناء عملية سرقة فيلا معينة يتم القبض عليها بينما يهرب زوجها ، ويحكم عليها بالمؤبد ، وتخرج بعد قضاء مدة العقوبة وتبحث عن زوجها وإبنها ، فتجد زوجها وقد تزوج من سيدة تدعى صافي وأوهموا إبنها أن أمه هي تلك السيدة ، وتحاول إستفتاح إستعادة إبنها بينما يحاول جعبل إبعادها عن حياته الجديدة
This is the translation that i got:
The هى beginning and her husband جعبل they exercise the stealing , and a specific villa is during the operation of a stealing the orphanhood of the headfuls on her while helps her husband to escape , woe unto you on her by perpetual , the period of the penalty moves out the distance of a judicature she/you looks for its husband build her ,then she/you suffers a burning jointed her in couples you to get married with get married with a dona my fair is being called and instill a delusion build her that I abound in water she hits the lady with the fist , إستفتاح إستعادة tries build her while her removal's جعبل tries El Jadida from his snakes
You know what i mean now.............
