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facts about friendshi[

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  • facts about friendshi[

    Facts about friendship

    A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.

    A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

    A simple friend doesn't know your brothers' first names. A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.

    A simple friend comes late to your party. A real friend comes early to help you and stays late to help you clean.

    A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

    A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.

    A simple friend wonders about your romantic history. A real friend could blackmail you with it.

    A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument. A real friend calls you after you had a fight.

    A simple friend expects you to always be there for them. A real friend expects to always be there for you!

    When you are down to nothing ... God is up to something![/color]
    "I am waiting for the special person who will never break my heart and let me 4get the song of (un-break My Heart)"
    I really believe in friendship and hope to find the special friend who will be by my side 4 ever


  • #2
    [align=center]Thanks sis for the lovely and wise words
    Its really true, True friend is really same as u discribed above
    Cheers [/align]
    [align=center]When Obstacles arise, change your direction to reach your goal, not the decision to get there [/align]


    • #3
      u welcome
      "I am waiting for the special person who will never break my heart and let me 4get the song of (un-break My Heart)"
      I really believe in friendship and hope to find the special friend who will be by my side 4 ever



      • #4
        thats true sis .... thnx


        • #5

          i like it so much




          • #6
            The tue friendship is not found in this days , little people has one , when you have atrue frind you will be capcher hem by all your power

            اللهم إنني أسألك إيماناً دائماً.
            و أسألك قلباً خاشعاً.
            و أسألك علماً نافعاً.
            و أسألك يقيناً صادقاً.
            و أسألك ديناً قيماً.
            و أسألك العافية من كل بلية.
            و أسألك تمام العافية.
            و أسألك الشكر على العافية.
            و أسألك الغنى عن الناس.



            • #7
              [align=center]they say .. be proud if you had one true friend for 100 years .. that's better than having a hundred friends in one year who are not true friends

              thanks for the cool topic hadoi-o-bass

              ^_^ and keep it up we're loking forowrd to see more of your topics dear
              " فَـــ امان آللّه يآآ وجهـٍ عرفنـي حزّة آلحاجــــهـ "

              حسابي في تويتر @F_alamry



              • #8
                [align=center] sometimes a true friend is all you have and all you need

                thaaaanks sis

                nice topic
                "آلصبر عَن بَوٍح آلأحآسيس .. " قّتآل "
                ................................. و آلبَوٍح فِيْ بَعض آلمَوٍآقف ~ فشِيلة"


                • #9
                  u welcome
                  thank Allah that u like the topic
                  "I am waiting for the special person who will never break my heart and let me 4get the song of (un-break My Heart)"
                  I really believe in friendship and hope to find the special friend who will be by my side 4 ever



                  • #10
                    [align=center]yah...friendship is like this[/align]


                    • #11
                      [align=center]Wonderful Topic , this is true
                      Those are facts about friendship.Without a doubt. The reason is to not lose your BEST friends , espeasily in criticel moment

                      Well, the fact of......this one

                      A simple friend expects you to always be there for them. A real friend expects to always be there for you!

                      It is always happend

                      So Thank you for this Wonderful Topic


