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Away to a happy life

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Away to a happy life

    1. Start off each day with a prayer.

    2. Put God first in your life.

    3. Broaden your horizons-learn a new language, travel.

    4. Pray.

    5. If someone says something mean to you, just shrug it off and dismiss it in a friendly, laidback manner. They will probably get the message that they're not pissing you off and they will stop.

    6. When you get angry, count to ten.

    7. Remember that you can never have too many friends.

    8. When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others.

    9. When something bad or embarrassing happens to you, just think of your life as a great big sitcom and have a good, healthy laugh about it.

    10. Do something wacky and crazy once in a while, like sing karaoke. Sometimes acting like a complete fool can be good for you.

    11. Never stop believing that you can find someone who will love you.

    12. Meditate.

    13. Always love everyone in your life unconditionally. That way, even if they reject that love and hate you, they may look back on their lives in the future and remember that there was someone who cared about them no matter

    14. Find healthy ways to express yourself.

    15. Every now and then, do some kid's thing like finger-painting, papier-mâché, or scattering. Don't be afraid to ask your inner child to come out and play.

    16. Pray for blessing to come to your enemies. It might sound crazy, but the results are amazing.

    17. Hug your parents.

    18. Laugh at corny jokes just for the heck of it.

    19. Forgive.

    20. Dance to your favorite song when nobody's watching.

    21. When people criticize your creativity or individuality, remember that the same stuff happened to Albert Einstein, Dr. Seuss, and Colonel Sanders.

    22. Read your holy book Quran.

    23. Don't let popularity go to your head.

    24. Never look down on anybody.

  • #2
    [align=center]Being Close To God
    Is the shorter way to happiness[/align]


    • #3
      [align=center]thanx sis

      it is really a very good way to have a good and a happy day [/align]
      [align=center]حظ عيني لو تشوفك كل يوم & حظها وانت لناظرها الضياء
      نام فيها نام وانعس لا تقوم & بالسعادة يا تباشير الحياء
      انت يالي لك انا عمري اسوم & وارخص الغالي بلا زيف ورياء
      والبقايا ما لهم عندي لزوم & قلبي وقلبك حبايب اوفياء
      غيبتك وجدان واحزان وهموم & تتعب افكاري تسبب لي عياء
      ودي بشوفك مع طيب العلوم & عن عيوني لا يبعدك النياء
      صدق انا مشتاق لكني كتوم & اجبر عزومي ويمنعني الحياء
      منزلي فوق الكواكب والنجوم & وافي وسمعي على صوتك حياء
      وش على عيني ولو شافتك دوم & دامك انت في نواظرها الضياء[/align]


      • #4
        it is true
        if u want to be happy
        [font=Arial Black]and[/font]
        i think every1 want that
        يا رفقةَ العمرِ ، فيمَ الهجرُ بالعَجَلِ........هل قد نسيتمْ نسيماً راقَ من غزلِ
        ويحَ الزمان الذي ما انفكَّ يجمعنا........حيناً ، ويبلي صفاءَ الماء بالوشلِ
        طيفُ اللقاءِ مضى ، هل نحن ندركهُ.....أم قد تولَّى ، ولم ندركْهُ من كسلِ ؟
        وا حسرتاهُ ! وكم قد قلتها زمناً.............لكنَّ دمعاً غزيراً جالَ في المُقَلِ
        يا ويلتا ! قد أتاني الشيب مُنْتَظَراً..........فاليوم أبكي شبابَ الودِّ والأملِ
        واليوم أبكي ربوعاً ، غاب ساكنها...........أبكي رسوماً عفت من ذلك الطَّللِ
        مُسلِّماً بقضاءِ اللهِ منشرحاً...................يمضي الزمانُ ، ويخفي ساعةَ الأجلِ !


        • #5
          Remember that you can never have too many friends.

          When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others

          i liked these 2 lines

          I love standing in the rain...because then no one knows im crying

