السلام عليكم جميعا
اريد مساعده منكم
انا طالب في قسم الهندسه (ميكانيكا)واريد اجابه عن هذي الاسأله ولكم الشكر احبتي
1- What types of job you will look for after compliting your study?
2- What are verious jobs sources you will use to find your job?
3- What are the steps or process you will follow to get your job useing the job sources you have found in question 2?
اريد مساعده منكم
انا طالب في قسم الهندسه (ميكانيكا)واريد اجابه عن هذي الاسأله ولكم الشكر احبتي
1- What types of job you will look for after compliting your study?
2- What are verious jobs sources you will use to find your job?
3- What are the steps or process you will follow to get your job useing the job sources you have found in question 2?