
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

Real Story

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Real Story

    [align=center]Salam Alikum

    Real Story

    Along time ago in Macca there was A poor man living In Macca
    That day he was Hungry & He didn't have any money to buy food
    while he was walking he found A green cloth covered some thing
    he opend it he saw
    (عقد من لؤلؤ )
    he took it to his home after afew hours he heard some body saying
    to people that he lost Agreen cloth & in the green cloth some thing belongs to him ... & who will find that cloth he will pay him 200 Derham
    (عقد من لؤلؤ ) Poor Man Started thinging that the
    will Make me a rich man but he decided
    to return it back to that man . he went out his house , he saw that man who is serching for his lost thing he Asked him tell me how the green cloth look like
    he told him It is look like this,and this he explain to him . than the poor man
    told him come to my home . they went to poor man home again poor man asked
    him tell me how the green cloth look like , he told him like this and this
    than the poor Man asked him what is inside the green cloth he told him
    (عقد من لؤلؤ )
    than poor man aske him how it like tell me . than man told him like this ..!
    than the poor man been sure it is for him , He brought it & gave it to him
    the poor man asked the man Is this you searching for The man
    said yes It is Thanks very much take this 200 Derham for you
    the poor man said No I don't want any thing The man sayed
    this is A gift from me to you but the poor man said No I will not take
    Then man tried but the poor man didn't take from him , the man gone backe
    to his village . the poor Man decided to go out of Macca to find job
    he travlled from Macca than he gone to ship in the sea
    but the ship sank =====> غرقت السفينه
    غرق الناس نجى القليلون وغرق الكثيرون وأنا تعلقت بقطعة من الخشب أوصلتني إلى الشاطي
    than I walked I found A village I found a Mosque I gone and prayer
    the people saw me and gave me a food and place to sleep
    on day I prayed them they liked my sound reading Quran Kareem they Asked me هل تحفظ القرءان الكريم
    I said Yes They suggested I will be
    إمام المسجد وأحفظ ( تحفيظ ) القرءان الكريم لابنائهم ونعطيك أجرا I Agreed
    one day the saw me writing they Asked me to learn writing to them children
    ويضاعفوا لي الاجر فوافقت على طلبهم
    After monthes the people of the village decided to arrange my Marriage
    قرروا تزويجي
    I told them I am poor man I don't have the enough money
    They told we will arrange we have one girl her mother died long time ago
    & her father died last year she is alone and rich but there is no one in this village
    أنسب لزواحها منك أنت .! أننا نرى أنك الانسب لزواجها لحسن خلقك ودينك ومما رأيناه منك .!
    I agreed for them wish .

    The Marrige day they brought my wife & sat her close to me When I saw her I saw she was wearing
    عقد الؤلؤ
    which I found In Macca
    I didn't take my eyes from waching the
    عقد الؤلؤ
    the people started saying to me What r u doing You broke the girl Heart
    I looked to them I asked them why they told me that.They Answered You didn't see her face
    you r seeing the
    عقد الؤلؤ
    He said to them do you know why I am seeing the
    عقد الؤلؤ
    they asked him why
    he Told them the Story
    قامت الناس وقالو الله أكبر الله أكبر .. فتعجب الرجل وسألهم لم تكبرون فقالوا
    Her Father When he came back from Macca told us the story when he
    عقد الؤلؤ
    And saw you but you didn't take any money from him
    وبعدها صلى بنا وبعد الصلاة رفع يديه وقال اللهم أجمع بين أبنتي وبين ذاك الشاب اللهم أمين
    والله سبحانه وتعالى أستجاب الدعاء
    وتزوجو وخلفو بنات وصبيان .

    I hope you understand the Story
    ٍsorry I wrote some Arabic words [/align]
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Dilwar; الساعة 22-11-2007, 11:15 AM.

  • #2
    [align=center]sub7an allah

    !!! It's a touching story .. thanks for the effort in writting it brother

    there's alot that we can learn from this story .. specially how are good deeds always turn to us and help us when we need help .. thanks to allah

    by the way

    عقد اللؤلؤ

    is a pearl necklace

    wish you al the best bro ..

    may allah bless you
    " فَـــ امان آللّه يآآ وجهـٍ عرفنـي حزّة آلحاجــــهـ "

    حسابي في تويتر @F_alamry



    • #3
      that was a really great story

      masha2 allah

      thanx friend

      may god mless u for ur work on senting this story to everybody



      • #4
        [align=center]the god dont forget god people
        who loves to do good things for others

        thaanks bro touching story
        "آلصبر عَن بَوٍح آلأحآسيس .. " قّتآل "
        ................................. و آلبَوٍح فِيْ بَعض آلمَوٍآقف ~ فشِيلة"


        • #5
          gamar failka
          سجى الليل

          Thank you and I appreciate your presence of the subject and your greatful reply[/align]


          • #6
            [align=center]everyone will get what he deserves

            thanx uncle kome for sharing it with us

            keep it up[/align]


            • #7

              It's relly nice story

              god plass u]

              كتبت وقد أيقنت يوم كتابتي *** بأن يدي تفنى و يبقى كتابها
              فان كتبت خيرا ستجزى بمثله*** و ان كتبت شرا عليها حسابها

