
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

محتايه مسااااااااااااعده إسعفوني

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  • محتايه مسااااااااااااعده إسعفوني

    السلام عليكم .....أحبتي

    ارجوا منكم تساااااااااااااااعدووووووووووووني

    هذولا بعض النقاط وبعدهن اسئله ارجوااااااااا الافادة


    Competence evaluation
    Rate your level of competence in each area mentioned in the first column and give evidence for your rating.

    Solving problems

    Evidence and example (why you have rated your current competence level as you have)

    I think I am good in solving problems. From my life I found it to do this


    Working with others to achieve a common goal

    Evidence and example (why you have rated your current competence level as you have)]

    I like to work with my friends and we try to find some ideas to achieve goal.

    اريد اجابه للأسئلة اللي تحت طبقا لحدى النقاااااااااط اما تختار الاولى وتحل الاسئله عليها او تختار الثانية وتحل الاسئله طبقا عليها

    What is your goal? Why do you want to achieve it?
    Why have you chosen this goal? Why is it important to you?
    How is this goal linked to your competency evaluation?
    How will this goal help you as a student now and as a future engineer?

    answer all these qesutions in one pragraph


    Achievable :
    What steps will you take to achieve your goal? Why?
    These need to be specific and detailed. ( you can include dates where appropriate


    Realistic :
    What assistance do you need to help you to achieve your goal?
    What resources will you use to help you achieve your goal?
    What strengths and abilities do you have that will help you achieve your goal?
    Who will help you to achieve your goal?


    Measurable :
    What evidence will you be able to provide at the end of the semester that you were making progress towards your goal?
    How will you evaluate your progress in achieving your goal?

    When do you plan to achieve your goal by? Why have you set this date?
    Do you have an alternative date in case something unexpected occurs?

    ارجوا منكم تسااااااااااعدوني واكون شاكره لكم
    يا آخر وطن
    أولـــــــــد فيه
    وأدفـــــــــــن فيه
    وأنشـــر فيه كتابـــــــاتي

  • #2

    i'm sorry dear .. but you've been warned more than once not to write in ARABIC

    and you did .. that's why i'll close this topic

    and these questions are personal questions that we cant help you in .. they're related to your personality dear .. in other words you're an ingeneering student .. and i'm a law student .. the answers will be TOTALLY different

    ! CLOSED
    " فَـــ امان آللّه يآآ وجهـٍ عرفنـي حزّة آلحاجــــهـ "

    حسابي في تويتر @F_alamry


