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making stress work for you.

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  • making stress work for you.

    [stress is a natural part of life and alittle is good thing because it makes you more alert and add a little excitement to your day...but to much stress,too often,can be a bad thing and affect both your physical and mental health]how to manage stress and make it work for you instead of against you/there are manysimple ways to do this...one of the simplest is not to bottle up your feeling inside;speak with your close friends about it. they are probably feeling the same way as you are! eat healthy and exercise regularly as it improve your mood and gets rid of all that negative energy.get plenty of sleep and remember to relax and have fun doing your favorite hobbies.do not expect too much of yourself;it is okay to ask for help if you need it.remember that you can not control everything around you.if you are still not feeling any better,ask yourself what situation make you feel stressed?what make you angry?what do you do when things do not go your way?are your grades not as high as you would like?do you feel that your parents do not understand you?maybe you are involved to many activities during universit/find out if you can change some of the things which bother you and which you can control.reduce the number of activities in which you are engaged.divide your biggertasks into smaller,more manageable ones.speak to your parents about how you feel.and remember that ,although you may not always be able to control what is happening around you,you can control how you react to it.]

  • #2
    ThanX dear for the Nice topiC !!
    I hate Stress which comes out of study

    Keep it Up !!!

    حبيبتي وش حالها قبل الرحيل .. أشوف أنا في عيونها دمعة وراء دمعة تسيل .. كلمتها .. طمنتها .. وعدتها أبقى لها ...
    راحت قبل ما أنهي الكـــلام .. راحت تخنقها عبرة في الزحـــام


    • #3
      Having stress is not the problem, the real problem is not being able to deal with it
      Thanx for the topic
      ولو أرسلت رمحي مع جبان *** لكان بهيبتي يلقى السباعا
      إذا الأبطال فرت خوف بأسي *** ترى الأقطار باعا أو ذراعا


      • #4

        I have no more to say a bout


        As the brothers said :: that stress which comes out of study

        is unbearable at all

        Thanks for the topic

        ...We live as we dream alone

        Joseph Conrad

