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Families are FANTASTIC

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  • Families are FANTASTIC

    When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.

    ~ Joyce Brothers

    To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.

    ~ Barbara Bush

    Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.

    ~ Anthony Brandt

    If the family were a fruit, it would be an orange, a circle of sections, held together but separable - each segment distinct.

    ~ Letty Cottin Pogrebin
    is the toughest teacher because
    she gives the test first, and then the lesson

  • #2
    The strong attchments Of Oneself to his/her family Keeps of growinG day by day
    NoOne will negelect the Importance of a family in enrolling us in our society
    being a member of a family is somethinG makes us Successful and a source of happinesS

    We are here in thiS Forum are One family as well

    TanX for the TopiC
    Keep it up DeaR

    حبيبتي وش حالها قبل الرحيل .. أشوف أنا في عيونها دمعة وراء دمعة تسيل .. كلمتها .. طمنتها .. وعدتها أبقى لها ...
    راحت قبل ما أنهي الكـــلام .. راحت تخنقها عبرة في الزحـــام


    • #3

      This is a good topic indeed

      the importance of the family is more than any thing else

      we can't exchange their love or their support

      with any other thing

      Good from you that you reminded us of our families

      ...We live as we dream alone

      Joseph Conrad

