
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

There are 7 causes of Al-Ghiba

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • There are 7 causes of Al-Ghiba

    There are 7 causes of Al-Ghiba

    1.Venting one's Anger:
    For example in an arguement between two people, and later one backbites the other to justify or gratify their anger.

    2. Desire to fit in and be accepted by one's companions:
    When you hear your friends speak ill of others behind their back and you don't stop them or warn them, you join them! Take heed of the verse:
    "..friends on that day will be foes one to another, except the righteous people."
    Al Zakhruf: Verse 67

    3. To raise oneself by degrading another:
    In the same way one becomes jealous when another is praised, and then seeks to disparage them. Or when one's knowledge, honour, and good qualities are praised in front of him and he says, yes but he also has such and such bad qualities. This is shaytaan, luring you to believe this is sincere advice, but if it was, you would give it privately not expose him publicly.

    4. Sheer Envy:
    Envy is an evil. Shaytaan decieves us by envying the benefits of others and waiting for Allah (swt) to remove them. Hence the only way to disparage them is to speak ill of them behind their back. Muslims, be aware! Allah only gives His benefits, to those whom He likes, and no one can change this decree.

    5. Joke and Amusement:
    Backbiting in order to make others laugh. This is a grave sin as the Prophet (SAW) said:
    "It is a serious evil for a Muslim to look down upon his Brother Muslim."
    Sahih Muslim: On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA).

    6. Pretending to Show Mercy:
    Someone may say: poor so and so, I feel sorry for him, he takes the Fajr prayer so lightly, or he has shaved his beard or been tested by such and such offence. If the backbiter was sincere, he would be genuinely distressed, and not spread the misdamenours but invoke Allah (swt) to help him overcome their problems, advising them in secret.

    7. Forcing oneself to be angry for the sake of Allah:
    For example whem one says: Look and so and so and how he transgresses against Allah's boundaries or violates His Commands. This person is wicked and evil, because if he is honest he would have met him and commanded him to do good and forbid him from evil.

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة *MONA*; الساعة 06-09-2008, 09:44 PM.

  • #2
    ha ha ha ha...U're completely right, Mona

    It is a nice topic and I really like ur sequences while presenting it

    We are so excited to read more from ur useful topic

    and yeah Ramadhan Mubarak to u all.Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey , memebers,
    Don't make Ghiba from now on

    بدآية هم تجي وتضم وتجرحني وتتعبني
    غريب أوطآن أعيش أحزآن فقدت أشيآء تسعدني

    غريب صآح بعد مآرآح محد يدري ويسمعني
    آنآ يآليل أعيش آلويل ندآء آلخلآن يتبعني

    ۉظل مآأنسآڪ تجي ذڪرآڪ ۉدمعآتي تونسني
    ۉأرد آلآه تلو آلآه ۉصدى آلآهآت يذبحني

    (أنشودة بدايه هم )

    Members of English Section sorry for my decision, things out of control

    There is no need no to mentioned u by names, sorry for putting u down bkz of my decision

    Gonna leave u a visitor message in my profile, plz check it

    Wishing u the BEST of Luck[/FONT]


    • #3
      u r right
      we have to a void doing GHIBA
      الحياه الم يخفيه أمل
      وأمل يحققه عمل
      وعمل ينهيه أجل
      ثم يجزى كل امرئ بما عمل

