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رسلولي رسالة بالايميل ما فهمت حد يترجملي اياه....

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  • رسلولي رسالة بالايميل ما فهمت حد يترجملي اياه....

    Fly for Free!
    on our 5th Annivarsary
    28th October, 2008

    Dear .............,

    It's our 5th Anniversary!

    On 28th October, 2008, Air Arabia will complete 5 years of operations. These 5 years have seen Air Arabia grow to 44 destinations and to over 10 million pssengers. It sure is an important milestone and a time of celebration for all.

    Without a doubt all this could not have been possible without the support, faith and patronage of our customers. We would therefore like to share this success with our customers.

    The 5th Anniversary Mega Announcement!

    All passengers traveling with Air Arabia on 28th October, 2008, shall board their flight with our compliments! Yes! passengers traveling on the Air Arabia Anniversary Day shall fly FREE!*

    Book Online!
    Book at Sales Shop!

    Pay less. Fly more.

    * Terms & Conditions apply.
    Passengers, who are booked to travel on 28th October, 2008 will be entitled for a full credit on the travel falling on the said date, to the extent of fare and surcharge (as per related sector). This credit can be utilised by the passenger against whose name the credit reflects, for a new booking within one year from the date of original payment. Passengers, who are booked to travel on 28th October, 2008 will need to pay ONLY applicable government/civil aviation/ airport taxes for their travel on the said date. In order to avail the credit, passengers will need to share the current PNR/ booking reference number. Passengers, traveling on 28th october, 2008, with only part of their booking falling on the said date shall receive a credit ONLY for the part falling on 28th October, 2008 on a prorated distance basis. Passengers making a new booking to avail the special offer on 28th October, 2008, are requested to book through the Air Arabia website/Call Center/Air Arabia sales shop. All waivers and credits are based on 28th October, 2008 regional local time, as displayed on the itinerary. This offer is not valid in Qatar.

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  • #2
    هــــــذولا عندهم احتفاليه ما الذكـــــرى السنويه الخااااااااااامسه.

    وعاااااااد حبوكم انتوا كزبائين انكم تشاااركوهم احتفالهم

    وبخصوص الي حاجزين في رحله بتاريخ 28 اكتوبر 2008 يعطي عروض خااااااصه

    ( هذا تقريبا مضمون الرساله والي انا فهمته والسموووووووووحه ع التقصير)
    [poem=font="Traditional Arabic,5,white,bold,normal" bkcolor="transparent" bkimage="" border="double,4,burlywood" type=0 line=0 align=center use=ex num="0,black"]
    [3mr=http://www.edenpics.com/pics/005/prev-g/005-077.jpg][color=FFFFFF]قال السماء كئيبة وتجهما قلت ابتسم يكفي التجهم في السماء
    فلعل غيرك ان رأك مرنما طرح الكآبة جانبا وترنمــــــا


    • #3
      مشكور............................................. .


      • #4
        مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووور اخي ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

