
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

adjetive clause

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • adjetive clause


    Here is a brief review of adjective clauses and relative pronouns.
    An adjective clause is used to describe a noun:The car, which was red, belonged to Young-Hee. A relative pronoun is usually used to introduce an adjective clause:Young-Hee, who is a Korean student, lives in Victoria. The main relative pronouns are:

    Who: used for humans in subject position::Hans, who is an architect, lives in Berlin. Whom: used for humans in object position::Marike, whom Hans knows well, is an interior decorator. Which: used for things and animals in subject or object position::Marike has a dog which follows her everywhere. That: used for humans, animals and things, in subject or object position (but see below)::Marike is decorating a house that Hans designed. There are two main kinds of adjective clause:

    Non-defining clauses: give extra information about the noun, but they are not essential:The desk in the corner, which is covered in books, is mine. (We don't need this information in order to understand the sentence. "The desk in the corner is mine" is a good sentence on its own -- we still know which desk is referred to. Note that non-defining clauses are usually separated by commas, and that is not usually used in this kind of context.)Defining clauses: give essential information about the noun:The package that arrived this morning is on the desk. (We need this information in order to understand the sentence. Without the relative clause, we don't know which package is being referred to. Note that that is often used in non-defining relative clauses, and they are not separated by commas.)When you are sure that you understand the topic, you can go on to the exercises.

    سبحان الله العظيم ... سبحان الله وبحمده

    قال تعالى : ( ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا ويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ...... ) صدق الله العظيم

    Dont expect others to respect you unless you respect yourself first

  • #2
    Nice effort brother
    I will trasfer it to the learning section
    ...We live as we dream alone

    Joseph Conrad


    • #3
      nice topic

      thanx alot ... very helpful , very useful & of course very colorful

      thanx alot
      Lookin 2 my eye's
      U c what u mean 2 me
      search ur heart
      search ur soul
      when finally that
      U search no more
      Don't tell me is not worth trying 4
      U can tell me is not worth dying 4
      U know is tru
      every thing i do
      i do it 4 u

      أحب الصالحين ولست منهم لعلي ألقى بهم شفاعة
      وأكره من تجارتهم معاصي ولو كنا سويآ في البضاعة

