شريك فى الجريمةaccomplice
Someonewho helps another person (known as theprincipal) commit a crime. Unlike anaccessory, an accomplice is usuallypresent when the crime is committed. An accomplice is guilty of the same offenseand usually receives the samesentenceas the principal. For instance, the driverof the getaway car for a burglary is an accomplice and will be guilty of theburglary even though he may not have entered thebuilding.
إعلان البراءة acquittal
A decision by a judge orjurythat adefendantin a criminal case is notguilty of acrime. An acquittal is not afinding of innocence; it is simply a conclusion that the prosecution has notproved its casebeyond a reasonabledoubt.
act of God حادث قضاء و قدر
An extraordinary andunexpected natural event, such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or even thesudden death of a person. An act of God may be a defense againstliabilityfor injuries ordamages. Under the law of contracts, an act of Godoften serves as a valid excuse if one of the parties to the contract is unableto fulfill his or her duties -- for instance, completing a construction projecton time.
العنصر المادى من الجريمةThe actus reus
Latin for a "guilty act." Theactus reus is the act which, in combination with a certain mental state, such asintent or recklessness, constitutes acrime. For example, the crime oftheft requires physically taking something (the actus reus) coupled with theintent to permanently deprive the owner of the object (the mental state, ormensrea).
mens rea العنصر المعنوى من الجريمة
Themental component of criminal liability. To be guilty of mostcrimes, adefendantmust have committed thecriminal act (theactusreus) in a certain mental state (the mens rea). The mens rea of robbery, for example, is the intent to permanently deprive theowner of his property.
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