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Check your medical knowledge

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • Check your medical knowledge

    hye every one

    i have collected these Qs for you. the answers will be found at the end of the text. best wishes


    1. Which of the following is not a human blood type?
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D

    2. What is the central organ of your body’s circulatory system?
    • Lungs
    • Heart
    • Liver
    • Appendix

    3. This body part lies between two bones and permits a wide range of motion. What is it?
    • Cartilage
    • Adenoid
    • Joint
    • Flexor

    4. If a person has a disease called diabetes, that person’s body has trouble processing what?
    • Calcium
    • Salt
    • Sugar
    • Water

    5. If you break your tibia, a doctor will put a cast on your
    • Arm
    • Leg
    • Finger
    • Hip

    6. Asthma is a medical problem of what human body system?
    • Circulatory
    • Respiratory
    • Nervous
    • Muscular

    7. Diagnosis: Gross ... When your stomach pushes gas through your esophagus, what happens?
    • You barf
    • You burp
    • You hiccup
    • You explode

    8. What is the longest, strongest bone in the body?
    • Skull
    • Rib
    • Femur
    • Tibia

    9. Which of these senses is connected to your respiratory system?
    • Hearing
    • Sight
    • Smell
    • Touch

    10. What is the hardest material found in the body?
    • Tooth enamel
    • Bones
    • Joints
    • Fingernails


    1. D.
    Human blood is either type A, type B, type AB, or type O. Ask your doctor what blood type you have.

    2. Heart.
    The heart is made up of muscles, and it pumps your blood. Your blood circulates (moves back and forth) between your heart and all the different parts of your body.

    3. Joint.
    Two bones meet at a joint. For instance, the joint of the shoulder allows the arm to move up and down, backward and forward, and in a full circle at the side of the body.

    4. Sugar.
    People with diabetes don’t produce enough of the hormone called insulin to process sugar from the food they eat.

    5. Leg.
    The tibia is the larger of two bones in your leg. The smaller leg bone is called the fibula.

    6. Respiratory.
    People with asthma can have problems breathing when their airways get irritated.

    7. You burp.
    When there’s too much gas in your stomach after you eat or drink something, your stomach gets rid of it. The gas goes up your esophagus (the food tube that connects your mouth and stomach) and out your mouth. Try to do it quietly, please!

    8. Femur.
    The femur is the thigh bone. At the knee the femur connects to the tibia (shinbone) to form a hinged joint, which permits back-and-forth movement of the lower leg.

    9. Smell.
    You can’t smell anything without using your respiratory system--in other words, by breathing!

    10. Tooth enamel.
    The enamel that covers the teeth is the hardest substance in the body.[/align][/align][/align]
    ××////// .... وَبِاللهِ العَلِيِّ القَدِيرِ أَسـْــــــتَعـِـينْ .... //////××

  • #2
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