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[align=left]Write a JavaSript functions to do the foloowing jobs::[/align]
4- [align=left]Give ten marks (0-100) in An array. Write a program to display the marks and the equivalent grades (ABCDF) in a table using the following rules:
More or equals 90 => A
More or equals 80 => B
More or equals 60 => D
Otherwise => F
5- Write A program to enter any number of none zero (use zero as terminator) values add them together and find their average and finally display the number of none zero items, their total and their average.
6- Write a program to find the area of a circle by entering its radios.[/align]
[align=left]Write a JavaSript functions to do the foloowing jobs::[/align]
4- [align=left]Give ten marks (0-100) in An array. Write a program to display the marks and the equivalent grades (ABCDF) in a table using the following rules:
More or equals 90 => A
More or equals 80 => B
More or equals 60 => D
Otherwise => F
5- Write A program to enter any number of none zero (use zero as terminator) values add them together and find their average and finally display the number of none zero items, their total and their average.
6- Write a program to find the area of a circle by entering its radios.[/align]