Clean Virus MSN 1.7.0
اقض على جميع و اي فيرس قد يصلك عبر ال MSN
هذا البرنامج يجعلك مرتاحا اثناء استقبالك لملفات مجهولة الهوية من اناس عبر ال MSN غير موثوقين فالان يمكنك ان تستقبل هذه الملفات وانت مطمئن البال
نبذة بالانجليزية عن عمل البرنامج:
Clean MSN Virus is a free tool that detects and removes viruses MSN Messenger currently circulating.
For some time, viruses are spread through MSN Messenger. In the course of conversation, the user receives "apparently" in his contact a message with a link to invite him to open a file presented as a photo or a ********. The file is in fact an executable code containing a virus. Once the file is opened, the virus runs and spreads to all contacts Messenger user.
The tool Clean MSN Virus detects and removes various viruses that spread via MSN Messenger (virus known generically virus or virus MSN MSN Messenger). Clean MSN Virus detects more than 1100 virus variants MSN. The tool Clean Virus MSN analysis memory (active programs) and conducts a thorough analysis of files to detect elements infected by viruses MSN. When a virus is detected MSN, the tool neutralizes the virus
and delete infected files.