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حسب ما وصلني من language center بخصوص دوام اليوم؟؟

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • حسب ما وصلني من language center بخصوص دوام اليوم؟؟

    Dear All,
    The University Day, aka LC Open Day, takes place tomorrow, Monday May 2nd from 9:00 am till 4:00 pm. Here are a few Qs and As to help you make sense of this celebration.

    What is the University Day?

    Sultan Qaboos University celebrates its University Day annually on May 2nd. The celebration commemorates the visit HM Sultan Qaboos bin Said paid to the university back in May 2000.

    Every year, colleges, centers and departments organize a number of activities to showcase their accomplishments in areas of teaching, learning, research and community service over the academic year.

    What exactly happens on the University Day?

    The University Day starts with an official opening ceremony that takes place at SQU Conference Hall. The ceremony is usually followed by the SQU Administration officials going on rounds of visits to different sites on campus to have a first-hand experience of the activities happening in these sites. The celebration ends with an evening function which normally takes place at the amphitheatre

    What is happening tomorrow at the LC and where?

    The Open Day program is packed with a lot of interesting activities. We will have PowerPoint presentations, quizzes, skits, slideshows, games and much more! There will also be an award ceremony for the outstanding students in Foundation Program. These are the students who scored either A or A- in their end-of-level tests in various levels. We have a total of 119 students this year.

    These activities will take place on the ground floor lobby, LC Conference Room, and computer lab 3. The activities start 9:30 am and finish at 1:40 pm. The award ceremony takes place from 2:15-3:40 pm. A detailed program is attached.

    How about classes on the day itself?

    The activities of the Open Day are organized by the students and for the students. Please encourage your students to come and participate in the events of the day unless of course you are covering highly important materials on that day which can’t be postponed.

    Best wishes

    واضح من الفقرة الاخيرة ان الدوم يعتمد على قرار المعلم نفسه اذا كان يريد يلغي ولا لأ

  • #2
    شكــــــــــــــــــــــــرا ~~||لك
    مــا خابت قلوب اودعت الباري أمانيها sigpic

    التطبيق الرسمي لشبكة عاشق عمان على الهواتف الذكية


    • #3
      شكرا لج اخي ..

      فما لي ملاذ عن هواك وملجأ
      ومالك عني حيثما كنت مهرب


      • #4
        حلووو و شي جميل من لانجوج سنتر ..
        شكرااا لنقلك للخبر أخوي .. و موفيقن ان شااااااء الله ..


        • #5

          صحيح ,,,,,,

          إحنا اليوم المستر كنسلها المحاضرة عشان نروح مركز اللغات ونحضر الفعاليات ..


          لو بقى للحُزْنِ صآأحب .. مأآ بقى للصبح نُوُؤُرْ

          لُوْلَآ نُـُـُـًـُـٌوُرْ ـآًلَلّهْـ بِآلوٌجُوٌؤُدّ ,,
          مَآإ بُرَحْ عَنّآً ـآًلألَـمْ ,,
          وُ لَآً بُقًى فِيْنآإ ـآَلأمَــلْ ..



          • #6
            واجد زين ...

            هجرت البعض طوعا لأني
            رأيت قلوبهـــــم تهــوى فراقي ..نعم اشـــتاق !!!
            ولكنني وضعت كرامتي فوق اشتياقي
            وارغب وصلهــــم دوما , ولكن ..
            طريق الذل لا تهواها ســــــــاقي
            لست أفضل من غـيري لكني
            أملك قناعـــة قــــوية تجعلني أرفض مقارنة نفسي بأحد


            • #7
              نحن للأسف محد طاع يكنسل


              • #8
                أنا وحدي

                دقيتهم طااااااااااااااااااااااااااااف
                سبـــحان الله عــدد مــاكــان
                وعدد مـــــا يكــون
                وعــدد الحــركات والـسكـون


                • #9
                  خخخخخخخخخخ انا ماكان عندي خبر ولا بدقهم ابو الطاف نفس ندى هع
                  صـحيـح انـيبـنـت لــكـن أهــز بـعـزتــيجـبــال
                  اذا مـوضـوع يـجـرحـنـي تـلاقـينـي عــن

