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introduction to animal scince

  • تصفية - فلترة
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • #16
    اذا كانت المادة من الزراعة شئ طبيعي بيقولولك احفظ

    أما اذا كانت المادة من العلوم "أنمال فسيولوجي" لازم تفهم وتقرأ وبعدين تحفظ لأن الماده مب سهلة اذا طموحك عالي أ أو ب+

    الحمدلله جبت فيها ب+ ومع ذلك بعدني أكرهها بذلت فيها مجهود كبير
    الصدق ربيع القلب و زكاة الخلق و ثمرة المروءة و شعاع الضمير...


    • #17
      ان شاءالله سفيرنا محمد العامري بعد يفيدك أكثر عزيزي ~
      الماده حلوه كثير ~
      صحيح فيها حفظ مصطلحات الخاصة بالبايولوجي واسماء الحيوانات واعضائها وكذا ~
      بس تحتاج فهم كثير في شرح بعض الخصائص والعمليات البايلوجية ~

      في فرق بين انترودكشن تو انيمال ساينس وبين انترودكشن تو انيمال فسيولوجي ~

      في مادة خاصة بالقسم اسمها فسيولوجي أيضاً
      مــا خابت قلوب اودعت الباري أمانيها sigpic

      التطبيق الرسمي لشبكة عاشق عمان على الهواتف الذكية


      • #18
        كيف ما حد عنده اختبارات ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

        على الاقل نعرف طريقة الاختبار كيف يجي


        • #19

          See these questions might help you if they teach you the same content

          Name the main difference between male poultry and male livestock mammals

          Know what pathogen, host, carrier, and vector mean.

          Know the necessary conditions for disease transmission (there are three) and be able to describe each in your own words.

          Be able to name two signs that an animal has an infection.

          What are the three major principles of disease control?

          Why is improved reproductive performance profitable for the animal science industry?

          What is the definition of ethology?

          What are the top four inherited behavioral traits and why are they important in terms of why we domesticated our livestock species?

          Can inherited traits be changed by selection? What is imprinting?

          Be able to discuss at least one idea from each of the five sensory systems with regard to our livestock species.

          What is perception? Be able to give an example that involves all three "steps".

          Know and be to discuss the four avenues of heat gain or loss.

          Understand the following idea: Animals adapt to increasing temperatures by increasing heat loss and reducing heat gain. Give one example of each. Animals adapt to decreasing temperatures by decreasing heat loss and increasing heat gain. Give one example of each.

          What is the thermoneutral zone? What other term is used for it?

          Be able to discuss ways that animals cope with heat stress and cold stress.

          How do we adjust our rations for animals dealing with either heat or cold stress? Discuss each scenario.

          Name four factors that affect animal health.

          What are the factors involved in the 15% loss of profit that we see because of animal health issues?

          Define disease. What are the two types? Infectious and non-infectious. Be able to discuss the different non-infectious diseases.

          What is immunity? Differentiate between active and passive immunity.

          What is growth? What are the two ways that growth happens? What are the two categories of growth? (Chronological and physiological) What are the two basic ways of measuring growth? (objective and subjective)
          الصدق ربيع القلب و زكاة الخلق و ثمرة المروءة و شعاع الضمير...

